It's a sunny day, so let's have a rock festival...

Chris of Arabia

Herding cats since 1988...
Supporting Member
Mar 10, 2007
Reaction score
The Magic Kingdom
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit the Saudi desert. From yesterday's 'Salwa Rocks II'.


#2 - It was warm - 40C and higher warm...











Heyyyy, good work Chris! You must be pleased with these.

(Love the shirt design. And the cheeky look on the drummer's face in #3. And the colours of the lights in the shots.)
This is only the start of it - I've edited exactly 36 of the 1,142 shots I took. Bear in mind that almost everyone you see playing has a proper day job and does this for fun, it's one of the many ways in which expats let off steam out here. I didn't go to last years, which by all accounts was a little under-prepared, but this was very well done. I was the 'official' photog for the day, by virtue of the fact that I asked, I even had a proper 'Access All Areas' pass. It was a hell of a long day though and I cannot remember the last time I ached or was so dog tired after something. I'm quite pleased with the results and particularly how both cameras performed for me, the only donwside was that the 1600 ISO on the 350D was nowhere near what I needed during the later part of the evening - Note to organisers: "MORE LIGHTS!" next time please.

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