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TPF Noob!
Mar 28, 2008
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I'm sorry guys, false alarm apparently. My bad. I thought I had been attacked but it was just me paying taxes to some criminal organization called the IRS. I even called them about it and they were very nice. They said they'd do whatever they can to make the process as painless as possible.

I guess they screw people all the time and I am just very sore. :confused:
Well if you don't want to pay taxes I guess you should just top making money.
hi man. how r u? hope u r doing well my friend.
Don't you think its worth it? I'd rather keep my tax money too, but on the other hand, I'm living pretty good. People in other countries don't always get to live like we do. As a matter of fact, people in THIS country (USA) are not living as good as I am. If you are one of those people, then I'm all in favor of tax relief for you. But if you look around and are living pretty good, I think you should be thankful. We're playing with our expensive cameras, not scraping pennies to feed our children, right?

Just my opinion and not meant to be offensive or directed at anyone in particular.

OK, my preaching is over, please don't slap me.
I have no problems with Taxation.....
The issue I have is how our government chooses to spend (or pocket) it.

Ok... my preaching is over.

btw.. its about freakin time they did something about the AMT! Did mine in Jan.
My wife says that one party gives all your tax money away and another party saves it all. Vote wisely :p
lol...yea vote wisely my friends. I hate tax season as well...still have not done mine yet. Well there done...but not sent
If you don't like the IRS you could protest vote for Ron Paul.

I saw a film called "Freedom to Fascism" by the late Aaron Russo and it stated that every bit of our income tax goes to paying the interest of the loans the federal government borrows from the Federal Reserve. Perhaps occupying other countries is really expensive.

Problem is; if the income tax was abolished and sales tax went up, the poor would get more poor and more screwed because they would have to pay such a high percentage of their income on the essentials' taxes. If the government was non-interventionist, (both foreign and domestic) maybe they could be supported on the current sales tax alone.

Also in that video, they say there is no law that requires you to pay an income tax.
Sure wish I were paying the IRS because that would mean I had money coming in rather than living off my savings.

Think of IRS tax as rent for living in the US. Check the tax rate of European countries, generally double the US rate plus sales taxes 12-20%, plus wealth taxes and property taxes and and and oh-yes gas taxes of 50%. Total euro tax is estimated as above 80% which.

you can have my soap box
I can't make enough to pay taxes, I get it all back in my returns.
Problem is; if the income tax was abolished and sales tax went up, the poor would get more poor and more screwed because they would have to pay such a high percentage of their income on the essentials' taxes. If the government was non-interventionist, (both foreign and domestic) maybe they could be supported on the current sales tax alone.

Also in that video, they say there is no law that requires you to pay an income tax.

Hence the reason that that Steve Forbes freak is one of the biggest proponents of the so called "fair tax" farce. Also as far as the income tax being illegal I would not try and use that old cannard to not pay your taxes.
I have no issue paying my taxes when I think about how well most people live in this country live (generally), but things like the link below really make me annoyed.

I can't make enough to pay taxes, I get it all back in my returns.

I fell on the other side of the coin... I struggled for a few years then landed 2 high paying jobs (contract and full-time) juggling both and working rear end off... suddenly the government thinks I'm rich and qualified for AMT in 2006. Most of my deductables including my newborn son, property tax, and mortgage interest were not allowed to be included. I ended up owing the government close to $10k. Meanwhile, I work with people who have have a net worth several times somehow paying a less percentage than I. (I guess I'm just clueless.. when it comes to this stuff.)

In 2007, they finally made progress updating the AMT law written in the 60s. I ended up breaking even for the most part (my wife forgot to pay her taxes 1 quarter... GRRRrrrr) They passed the updated law in 12/2007... just in time. Sure wish the companies that paid my paychecks would allow me to be lazy and finish a project years to late.

IMO, I agree taxation is necessary. In fact, I think we (in the US) are lucky to enjoy the living standards of the past decades. But as the previous poster pointed out with a link to CNN, I have a problem with how they use the tax payers dollars. The way things are going in this country, I think our government is way over paid.


Remember folks... increasing sales tax is a move towards regressive taxation. It shifts the tax burden lower in the food chain. I used to live in Texas and could never figure out why people were so against putting into place a state income tax to keep sales tax lower.

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