A.I. Photography - Are we doomed?

Dooomed! I done an AI thing on an app, the title was a rabbit and cockatoo tea party. It gave me a 3 footed Cockatoo and the rabbits were hybrids of birds and rabbits.

They were rabbit in form but some had beaks and bird feet🤣.
AI is a tool like computers. It's just the next stage. We've had digital assistants for decades already. I think people are getting carried away with what AI is going to mean. My Grammarly just corrected this sentence I typed fixing a missed word and spelling. A convenience but I still had to type my thoughts down here. Is Grammarly just a computer tool or AI?
Adobe released Firefly a few months ago and has continued to improve on it as they integrate it into PS. I've spent some time learning to use it and while it's really good in some respects, it's still highly dependent on the creator's input. Not only do you have to envision an image in your mind, you have to describe that image exactly as you see it, which isn't as easy as you might think, as AI thinks in literal terms, without benefit of assumption on your descriptive text. One word off can drastically alter what it produces.

For all its hoopla, as @AlanKlein noted above it's still just a tool.
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