Japan is Incredible


TPF Noob!
Aug 22, 2008
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I returned recently from a 10 day trip to Japan. Took my new Sony with me and took just under 2,000 pictures. So far I've only developed these two images. The first, photo I was going for a bit of a "Hollywood" look. Warm highlights and cool in the highlights. The second image I tried for something abstract. The sky was a bit dull so I added some drama post. Did I go too far? C&C is appreciated on both photos. I'm trying to take my photography to the next level.

I really like the lighting in the first. But, it seems like everyone left. A person or two would make it more interesting. Post some more when you get a chance. I spent two years in Japan in the USAF back in the 1960's.
Love both of them. They made me homesick for Japan -- I lived there for nearly 12 years.
I really like the lighting in the first. But, it seems like everyone left. A person or two would make it more interesting. Post some more when you get a chance. I spent two years in Japan in the USAF back in the 1960's.

I think there are very strict, and likely very complex laws concerning this in Japan, and where you might not get in trouble with the law, you wouldn't want to be offensive. Personally, I'd avoid photographing people in a culture I am unfamiliar ... either way, what a silly comment. Should OP have hired some actors to fill in the space? A young couple, hand in hand, perhaps with flower pedals inexplicably trailing behind ... yes, that would have been nice. Especially if she were wearing a blue blouse and he in slacks with the top button of his white cotton dress shirt undone.

I really like the first one.
I returned recently from a 10 day trip to Japan. Took my new Sony with me and took just under 2,000 pictures. So far I've only developed these two images. The first, photo I was going for a bit of a "Hollywood" look. Warm highlights and cool in the highlights. The second image I tried for something abstract. The sky was a bit dull so I added some drama post. Did I go too far? C&C is appreciated on both photos. I'm trying to take my photography to the next level.

I saw everything you were posting on FB... you got some amazing shots!
I really like the lighting in the first. But, it seems like everyone left. A person or two would make it more interesting. Post some more when you get a chance. I spent two years in Japan in the USAF back in the 1960's.

I think there are very strict, and likely very complex laws concerning this in Japan, and where you might not get in trouble with the law, you wouldn't want to be offensive. Personally, I'd avoid photographing people in a culture I am unfamiliar ... either way, what a silly comment. Should OP have hired some actors to fill in the space? A young couple, hand in hand, perhaps with flower pedals inexplicably trailing behind ... yes, that would have been nice. Especially if she were wearing a blue blouse and he in slacks with the top button of his white cotton dress shirt undone.


Re taking pictures of people in Japan, no, your comment is incorrect. See the following for more info: Photography in Japan – what are your rights? Not once during the nearly 12 years I lived there did I have a problem shooting in the street. I have heard that you need to be careful taking pictures in places like the Golden Gai, but that's because of the yakuza, not because of any legal constraints.

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