Just a shot of my dinner...


TPF Noob!
Jan 29, 2005
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... lol, I love my Mom :D

Suggestions always appreciated.


Minor color corrections applied in PS CS.
Actually pretty good, except for three things:

1) The plate/chopsticks seem to have a halo
2) The left side of the frame has a different tone wood than the right side
3) I don't know about those vegetables, look nasty to me :p Sure it tasted good though, Moms know how to do it right

Nice picture though, composition/framing/perspective are all terrific.
looks nice to me.

Im hungry now
Who else but me can say "This is one for the Photo Themes", and "There is a theme on 'Food and Drink' there where this one fits in perfectly!" ??? It has to be said.

What on earth is that decoration thingy to the left???
It looks like a dead dragonfly.......... :shock:

(As someone quite partial to veggies, I think I'd like these... but I wouldn't try the decoration...)
It's a good image, IMO just a shame that the colours between the vegetables don't stand out from each other more...
Thank you for the comments everyone.

Yeah, I bounced my flash into the left wall/ceiling corner, and used the dining room ceiling light... but I didn't shut off the incandescents in the kitchen off to the right, and some spilled in causing the wood on the right to go too orange/yellow. Good for PS practice... I should try the gradient tool on a vector mask, on a color adjustment layer or something. Using my crap-PS skills, I tried to pull a lighten-darken-adjust quick-fix on the wood color because the right side was extremely bad... cartoony orange/yellow. So instead of fixing it right, I half-assed it and ended up with the halo'd chops and plate. I'll give the original another go when I get a chance.

lol, why do the veggies look nasty? Although someone said it about the veggies needing a little contrast; hehe... I should tell mom to start buying GMO, color enhance veggies and don't cook them so my pictures will come out better :D

And no, the 'decoration' is actually a cool iron dragonfly, (as opposed to an iron butterfly...natch :thumbup: ) napkin ring.
blah .. your dinner looks disgusting :p sorry... blah I'm not vegetables fan but there are to many spices!!! blah... but abou the shot... hmm.. I noticed the decoration and I agree with LaFoto... dead something.
I don't know a ton about food photography, but they will usually do a partial cook on the vegetables to preserve the color. The shot is nice though. The dragon fly doesn't bug me either. :D
geez, what's with the health-haters in here!? :irked: You're all nuts, and obviously haven't been 'subjected' to any decent veg-based food. This was one shot of a meal, but my mom cooks veg all the time and it's always freakin' amazing!

Meh... lack of mins/vits/fibre/etc will exact my revenge on the veggie-haters :twisted: lol
I gotta agree about the strange halo effect here. It's kind of distracting. But aside from that, I think it looks fabulous. I wish someone would cook and present a plate of food like that for me every night!! :hail: Not only healthy food, but presented in such fine form. :D

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