Do not examine the Fresnel lens pattern and how it appears to change when you zoom the flash head and then accidentally discharge the flash at full power into your eyes by pressing that tiny Open Flash button on the back of the flash...I've done's not my #1 tip is to AVOID doing that!!!
Flash tip #2: When doing bounce flash shots in high-ceilinged rooms, or at longer distances, always elevate the camera's ISO level upward, to around 400,500,640, or even ISO 800.
Flash tip #3: Actually spend a few minutes and read the fine manual that came with the flash; it might have a couple of pieces of advice and or technical tips that will be of actual use to you!
Flash tip #4: Experiment with bounce flash aimed in various directions. Occasionally, a really BEAUTIFUL lighting pattern can be created by bouncing the flash off of a surface in what "some people" might consider an unorthodox manner.