Just Powerful


TPF Noob!
May 28, 2013
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Thx for your feedback!

your title says it all
This is a nice shot, but I found it a bit confusing because I wasn't sure what your subject was - the clouds and the landscape which make a powerful presentation by themselves, or the climber. In this image, it appears that the climber is a "second thought". Being interested in landscapes, I probably would have concentrated on the clouds and the trees.

This is a nice shot, but I found it a bit confusing because I wasn't sure what your subject was - the clouds and the landscape which make a powerful presentation by themselves, or the climber. In this image, it appears that the climber is a "second thought". Being interested in landscapes, I probably would have concentrated on the clouds and the trees.


But if I were the climber, I'd want that printed up lifesize.
im not really a "landscape" kinda person....
but that shot would have been GOLD without the climber in it.
go back and reshoot that just a little farther to the left and get the rocks out of the frame.
its a gorgeous rendering of that area.
This is a nice shot, but I found it a bit confusing because I wasn't sure what your subject was - the clouds and the landscape which make a powerful presentation by themselves, or the climber. In this image, it appears that the climber is a "second thought". Being interested in landscapes, I probably would have concentrated on the clouds and the trees.


I saw it similarly, just a landscape - and then caught the climber a moment later. I liked the effect -- it's just a pretty landscape, and then 'Hey! Look what you missed!' ... really puts the person "in his place" relative to the environment.

What squirrels said, too - if that were me, I'd be after you for a copy!
I think a closer crop, to place the climber and the bright region mid-frame in the distance opposite one another, diagonally opposed across the middle, clarifies this a lot. Perhaps compromise a bit to save one of the trees frame-left, but go in tighter.
Took me a second to see the dude, my eye goes right for the valley.
I agree with the above comments. I'm guessing you put that climber in for scale, but it seems to distract more than help show the scale. It looks a bit awkward. I think it would be much better without her. The framing is really nice already. BTW, is that cave wall artificially lit? Looks like a flash for some reason.
Thank you so much for the feedback guys! The climber asked me to take some shots of him, while he's climbing. So thats the reason why i composed the picture this way! I want to get this "Oh look at that!! There's a climber too!! " -feeling. So first you check out the landscape and then on the second view you find the guy! You know what I mean?
I lit the climber with a naked 550 Speedlight.
I was the first time there but i'm going back to take more shots of this place! In autumn the sun goes down straight in the valley! I think, it's gonna be a great shot.
Another problem of this place is the space that you habe to compose a great picture. I had only my 24-105mm canon lense and on that day, I decided to buy the 17-40mm. 24mm is to large for this place.

Here's another one without de climber: Here I'm definitely pi**ed off, that I put the Tower midframe..... But as I already said... it was really tight with the 24mm

P.s: I hope my english isn't too bad...i'm swiss:blushing:

First glance I saw it as a really small guy climbing on the underside of a tree branch...now I can't see it any other way!
I like the first one best. I am assuming that is a rock face he is climbing. I see people mentioning it as a tree... but to me it looks like a rock face.

Makes sense to have the climber in the shot if it is a rock face.

May be interesting to see a shot without though. It is up to you. I love what you do you seems to be a quick study when it comes to this photography stuff.
I think the shot would work better without the climber, powerfull shot none the less.

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