Kristin and Devon


TPF Noob!
Nov 27, 2009
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
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I'm just going to comment on the first one. I like the concept, but I think that maybe the couple is pushed a little bit too far to the right corner. :(

When The photo is printed and framed (if it's going to be), it would be hard to find them in the photo I believe, or the frame would cut part of them off.
Cindy, I looked at the pictures before I noticed that you were the poster and was quite surprised. This doesn't really look like your usual work or quality. You didn't ask for C&C and there's several images to go through each one. I'm no pro of course, so take my comment with a grain of salt, but I would've thought these were taken by someone w/ less experience.
Cindy, I looked at the pictures before I noticed that you were the poster and was quite surprised. This doesn't really look like your usual work or quality. You didn't ask for C&C and there's several images to go through each one. I'm no pro of course, so take my comment with a grain of salt, but I would've thought these were taken by someone w/ less experience.

That surprises me a bit. This was probably one of my favorites.
This was a short lived thread :(
Cindy, I looked at the pictures before I noticed that you were the poster and was quite surprised. This doesn't really look like your usual work or quality. You didn't ask for C&C and there's several images to go through each one. I'm no pro of course, so take my comment with a grain of salt, but I would've thought these were taken by someone w/ less experience.

Do you mean like her second- or third-shooter,perhaps????

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