

TPF Noob!
Oct 7, 2007
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
EDIT: Crap, I posted this in the wrong forum, anyone mind moving it to the B+W gallery or whatever you see fit, go right on ahead. Thanks.

Anyone ever done this? I've got handfuls more but I haven't PPed them.

Shot with my Olympus SP-500UZ digital camera. ~4sec exposure at f/2.8. One small desklight placed across the room for light. Pitch black room otherwise.

Gonna try this again with a backdrop and a fill flash on my nicer camera.

Just kind of a test

Lego man: (hand is in focus)

Lego man leaning: (a little over exposed on the side of him facing the light)

Lego sex! NSFW! :lmao: (I figured this picture was kinda funny so I upped it anyway)
Ohh the grain...
Otherwise ya not a very interesting subject to be shooting in black and white in my opinion.
I don't like it... It would be better if it were sharper... less grain..

Yeah, I shot it at 400 ISO, what do you expect? I'm going to give it another go at a lower ISO once I get around to it...

That kicks ass

Though #3 is kinda creepy

That kicks ass

Though #3 is kinda creepy

Haha, thanks. That's what I was going for in #3.

I dug up a bunch of more Lego props, so I'm going to give this another go tonight for sure. I found a cool backdrop as well.
Number 3 is weird, to much time on your hands with lego aye'? haha.
Is it your face ogling the scene in 3?
I like that one.

And to me they fight.
No more. Nothing else.
A fight.
Like a bar fight. Fist fight (!) - given they only have fists, sort of.

I cannot see anything else in there with my harmless little eyes :angel:.

Is it your face ogling the scene in 3?
I like that one.

And to me they fight.
No more. Nothing else.
A fight.
Like a bar fight. Fist fight (!) - given they only have fists, sort of.

I cannot see anything else in there with my harmless little eyes :angel:.


Yes that is me.

A friend said it looked like they were fighting as well. Oh well. :/

Those aren't gay legos are they? I like that shot, especially with that expression on your face. Cool idea. :lmao:

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