Lens coating Questions


TPF Noob!
Jan 22, 2005
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA, USA
I don't know what it's called but the coating that covers the lense itself, I assume it's some sort of UV film... Anyway, I noticed while cleaning up the camera I was given that there are two small spots on the inside lense that this film is gone. I haven't taken any shots with this camera yet. Should I expect this to affect the photo or no? When I go to look at the shots, what should I look for to see if it does affect the photo. My head tells me there will be a slight color variation, possible slight overexpsure in that one spot.

Is this lense trash or do you think it'll be ok to use? Thanx :)
It could affect images. Can you see the spots while looking through the viewfinder? If you can, you might have to find a new lens.

If you can't, fire a roll through the camera and see what final prints look like.

That's the only way you'll know for sure.

The good thing is that you can find used lenses anywhere. I've had a lot of luck walking into pawn shops. I find it way easier to find lenses for my AE-1P than for my Nikkormat FT2 (not that I bought them. I was looking for old Nikkor lenses. The original 50mm prime on my Canon looks and feels mint). You should be able to find them for cheap too.
I never noticed it before, I'll put that lens back on and take a look. It's the originaly 50MM that came with it.

HOLY COW, I never thought of pawn shops. I've been shopping E-bay. FD parts abound on e-bay and are WAY cheaper than the local camera stores. Not to mention the local camera stores have nothing that I want in stock. Pawn shops, that's easy and fun, thanx so much. And I'll have a closer look at the lens and take some shots today to see if that damage causes an effect. That lens has some play when focusing anyway, it's probably just best to get a new one.
The coating on lenses is usually a coating of rare earth metals a few molecules thick and it is there in order to cut down lens flare. Basically it cuts down light coming into the lens from oblique angles and also helps to stop light bouncing around inside. Lens flare reduces contrast on the neg.
As long as you use a good lens hood there shouldn't be much of a problem - especialy if the coating is coming off the inside elements. You certainly won't notice anything on the neg. If it gets worse then you may start to see a loss of contrast under certain circumstances and you might want to think about buying a new lens.

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