lets play a game.

well i dont know if it was a improvison but i caught a couple in a shoot with ants all over them, they were slapping them off each other and laughing cause the other one was getting bit. got a pretty funny shot.

Q: how old where you when you decided to pursue photography?
i was about 30 id say, only been into it the last couple of years. i caught the bug from my fiancee and she loves it and has a real eye just a very small technical brain whereas i am the opposite so we go well together.

have you ever taken pictures of a building or window because you wanted another image that you could see in the reflection of something ie picture of a hotel window because you could see naked chicks sunbathing around the pool lol ?
haha, no naked chicks, but I like the style such as taking a closeup of a face when the person has mirrored glasses on, so I can see the scene in the reflection.

What is the longest time you've spent setting up a shoot? (time setting up vs time spent actually taking the pictures.)
haha, no naked chicks, but I like the style such as taking a closeup of a face when the person has mirrored glasses on, so I can see the scene in the reflection.

What is the longest time you've spent setting up a shoot? (time setting up vs time spent actually taking the pictures.)

about an hour, havent done anything big enough to need more time than that..

Q: being the photographer do you prefer to stay behind the camera or are you ok being photographed? and if you had to chose one person of tpf to shoot you, who would it be?
I woulds be ok with being photographed but the one person who would make it interestin would be Chiller. he has great ideas and knows the dark side.

PS. Chilller that was not brown nosing to get the bear! LOL

Question: What was your first paying Photography job?
A: Shooting an equestrian contest. The weather was crap, but the pay was fair enough...

Q: Have you ever blocked trafick, or caused a trafick jam at a photo shoot or trying to get that perfect shot?
Yes. I did a memorial shot were someone had died by hitting a tree thère was a bunch of people who hung memorials that wanted the whole thing photographed so we blocked the rd to a one lane.

Q: what do you hope to acomplish in life with your photography?
I would like to have one of my photographs published in a popular magazine.

question: how much do you charge for the sitting fee?
A: Here in Norway there are set charges for freelance photographers. So these are what I use. (Even though I can afford to charge less, other people might not. (A bit of profesional courtesy..)

Q: What is the craziest idea for a wedding photo you've ever shot? (Groom chasing the bride, looking all crazy? skydiving?)
A: I once shot a wedding where the vows were given on the back of a Harley Davidson... The minister was riding one bike, the bride and groom another bike, and I was on the back seat of a third bike riding just ahead of them (I was actually on a Gold Wing... I know, sacrilege, but I am a BIG guy and that is what I fit on best). The rest of the wedding party was riding behind... and the wedding was shot on the way from the bride's house to the reception... It was also the only bride I have ever shot who was wearing leather from head to foot (I don't know if she was wearing leather undies... I didn't ask).

Q: What is the most expensive bit of photography kit you have destroyed accidentally (or, for that matter, on purpose).
A: The shutter of my EOS 100. It died way before the end of its expected
shutter life because I well ,took it on rough trips ;) (imagine me sliding down a rocky cliff in Scotland landing in the water and similar stunts ;))

.. OR .. if you consider computers used for processing, then I destroyed an over 2000 USD slim and stylish laptop beginning of this year, probably overheating because I was using it in bed too much .. afterwards it would kill every harddrive after a couple of months ;) ... lost all my new year's firework images in that event :(

Q: what was the most dangerous thing ever you did dare to take a photograph (thinking of getting close to wild animals, cliff hanging with one arm as you need the other for your camera ... or hiding in the girls' locker room ;) )
A: less features, improved image quality

Q: what was the moment where you most regretted not having your camera with you?

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