life in monochrome


TPF Noob!
May 24, 2013
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Montreal, Quebec, Canada
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Hi, first time posting my B&W shots, any feedback is appreciated :thumbup::thumbup:
What is good and useful about B&W is that, for a scene where the colors don't add and may even distract, it allows the viewer to look at tones and structures more easily.

These are just B&W pictures and not especially interesting in BW.
hmm yes very good point there Lew, I never thought about it that way, thanks for the insight
I think you have some nice sharps focused shots but I hate B&W for wildlife and don't think they work with the vibrance of colors there is wildlife. I like B&W in some cases on people,buildings trains etc, just not on wildlife.
I agree with Lew's comments. For me #4 (the moon) makes a good b&w. And of the rest, I think #3 has the texture and contrast making it a really good b&w. (Not sure what the lizard is holding on to but he/she has texture)
good point DarkShadow, I generally think wildlife photos should be in color as well as that really is an important element, in all honesty the animal shots, I just converted them to b&w because they were shot in very harsh sunlight and the colors were really not very pretty at all. What are you thoughts on the picture of the mother and the child darkshadow?
I agree with Lew's comments. For me #4 (the moon) makes a good b&w. And of the rest, I think #3 has the texture and contrast making it a really good b&w. (Not sure what the lizard is holding on to but he/she has texture)
Thanks for the feedback ron, the iguana is holding on to the handlebars of its owner's bike
I dont mind the B&W on the women and child.
I think #5 is a nice shot. Not big on the wildlife like everyone else has stated.

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