Lightroom 5 Alternative (preferably supporting LR Actions if possible)


TPF Noob!
Jun 11, 2011
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With my upgrade to a Nikon Z camera, my copy of LR 5 finally does not natively support the RAW files.

I was wondering what the best/closest LR alternative? Also, since I have a nice collection of LR Actions, is there an alternative that supports them?

I am using an Intel Mac.


*Edit: a reason I want to upgrade instead of converting the RAW to DNG is because LR5 has gotten very slow/sluggish. I have tried all of the "tips/tricks" to speed up LR5 that I read online. It really didn't solve the problem.
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With my upgrade to a Nikon Z camera, my copy of LR 5 finally does not natively support the RAW files.

I was wondering what the best/closest LR alternative? Also, since I have a nice collection of LR Actions, is there an alternative that supports them?

I am using an Intel Mac.


*Edit: a reason I want to upgrade instead of converting the RAW to DNG is because LR5 has gotten very slow/sluggish. I have tried all of the "tips/tricks" to speed up LR5 that I read online. It really didn't solve the problem.
I had the same issue when I bought the Canon 5Dsr. I still use LR 5 as I won't pay for a subscription service. I use Adobe DNG converter and import the DNG files into LR. Works a treat. Adds and extra step to the workflow but I can deal with that.
My only question is, does the.NEF to .DNG converter decrease the photo quality?

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