Lightroom Tricks


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Mar 29, 2016
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I know there are a lot of advanced users on TPF that probably know this, but for those that don't here's a video on a few of the more easy ones the guys a little annoying but he does a fair job of explaing what he's doing. Most of his tips I already knew, but frankly unless you routinely use them it's easy to forget, so the video was a good reminder.

A couple of my favorites that he doesn't cover deal with the adjustment brush. IE: if while painting with an adjustment brush pressing the Ctrl key will toggle the auto mask feature on and off. Or if you want to draw a perfectly straight line with an adjustment brush, first click to set a point, move to your second point, hold down the shift key and click, a perfectly straight adjustment brush line will draw between the points.

There's a lot more shortcuts that I use that makes LR faster and easier for me. How about it what's your favorite shortcut?
No takers on tips? In his video he talks about resetting sliders by dbl clicking on the name of the slider, but he didn't mention that you can reset all the sliders in that group by Alt clicking the group name, or that you can hold down the alt key while adjusting a slider to mask the image for precise control (really helpful on white and black).

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