Little Red 2


TPF Noob!
Nov 18, 2005
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Copenhagen Denmark
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It appears these things are pretty terratorial, each has about 1 hectar where they dont meat each other, on the edges the chase each other round at least i think they are fighting. Does anyone know how to tell the sexes appart? no two seem to stay in the same place together long enough to get to see them properly. They are easier to get close to after they have had a tiff, but even when knackered from jumping about they are still pretty shy.

taken with a sigma 135-400 at 400mm 320s f5.6 OTE

thanks for looking

Excellent captures...
I am afraid I know nothing about squirrels other than what they like to eat here in Indiana...These are much more interesting specimens!
Thanks for sharing!
Wow. Those are funny-looking little guys :) Neat shots
For some reason for overgrown tree going rodents they do look cute :). I don't know anything about them either, just that the last pics i tryed of them didn't work very well, so i have been chasing them many times since and have at least learnt a bit about how they behave to get to see them a bit better. It was nice having an excuse to spend so much time traping about the woods. It would be cool to take the time to get pictures of other wild life too, I guess that is how there are so many nice bird pics in this forum, but things here are a little limited as far as wild life goes, perhaps some summer woodlouse ;)?

whoa, he's a cool looking little guy... he has some major tufts of hair/fur there! I prefer #1 of the two... :thumbup:
I prefer 2 of the 2 :D.

The colour of the squirrel against the blue sky looks sooooo good.
And I just love these little red squirrels, but I find they are so shy and so quick, the only chance for me to capture one (in theory only) would be as roadkill (urgh!) ... so realistically there is NO chance. But you should never say never, right?

But would my squirrel pics ever match the quality of yours here, tim? I doubt it.
I am goign to agree with LaFoto on this one, the squirrel in #2 against the blue sky and his seemingly 'scared' expression makes it such a priceless photo.

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