little sam

Mask out the shirt and adjust the wb on the rest (select the shirt then invert the selection). Not sure if that would work but it's what I'd try first. :)

You'll probably get better suggestions from the wizards but it's a start.
Bump down the orange luminance.
any suggestions for the orange reflection?

SamReese by capturedbybc, on Flickr
Perhaps something like this:


What I did in Photoshop CS6:

  1. With the eyedropper tool, select a color I wanted to replace the orange hue with. I chose just above the cheekbone, where there was very little orange reflecting, and noted values of H=7 and S=28 (I will use a Brightness of 100 regardless of the sample, so I don't need to note that it was 87).
  2. Select Color Range, sampled on the orange hue on the jaw, adjusted fuzziness value to get the whole jaw.
  3. Added a Photo Filter Adjustment layer, and dialed in the value I'd sampled earlier: H=7, S=28, and set Brightness to 100.
  4. Set the Layer Property to Color.
  5. Set the opacity of the Photo Filter Adjustment layer to 50%.
  6. ALT+SHIFT on the mask to see exactly what was selected, and painted with white in small areas of the jaw where orange hue existed, but were not selected as well as I'd have liked initially. Painted with black any pixels of the rest of the image where I didn't want to make changes. ALT+SHIFT again to return to the normal view.
  7. CTRL clicked on the mask of the Photo Filter Adjustment layer to get the selection again.
  8. Apply a Hue/Saturation layer and adjust to taste. For me, that was Hue:+4, Saturation:-18, Lightness:-1

Those are the basic steps. Refine to your own taste as you see fit, of course.
Bump down the orange luminance.
Way easier, and much more direct! I seriously over-thunk it!

Here's a result:



  1. Apply a Hue/Saturation Adjustment layer.
  2. Click on the orange part of the jaw. (it chose Reds)
  3. Increase Lightness to taste. I went to +30.
  4. Paint in the mask with a large ultra-soft edged brush so that the H/S Adj. Layer only affects the orange hue on the jaw.

I will have a play! Thanks :)
Is this any better?

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