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TPF Noob!
Dec 13, 2007
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So I'm shopping around on eBay and just doing all kinds of research (I have 15 tabs open in firefox with different information) and I'm trying to see just how well AF lenses work that were for SLRs and not DSLRs. Quick answer? Don't need a huge explanation unless, of course, there are exceptions and sometimes SLR lenses won't work with DSLRs.

I have a d80 and I don't know what lenses I can buy. I know for sure SLR lenses are MUCH cheaper but I don't know if I can get away with buying them. I'm actually looking for my next lens to be a 1.2-1.8 lens for shooting sports with better light without compromising the ISO speed and making it horrible. I've been reading that a 1.4 shoots well with f/2 and higher (or is it lower?) f/2-f/22 etc is what I'm trying to say.

Anyway, I went ADD on you all. Just need the quick simple answer to the question: Will older film lenses work (and auto focus) with my D80?

Came up with a new question: Is there a formula to figure out what mm is equivalent in feet or something? or even an "x" zoom. Say 200mm is equivalent to 4x (just a guess) what is the way to figure this out?
Yes and No!! Let us know the lens and we'll tell you. Some will work but depending oin the lens, you may lose lose auo focus.

It's all down to the camera and lens mount. your manual should tell you this but here it is.

Lens mount - The D80 has a Nikon F mount (with AF coupling & AF contacts)

THe D80 will accept the following lenses

• DX Nikkor : All functions supported
• Type G or D AF Nikkor : All functions supported
• Micro Nikkor 85 mm F2.8D : All functions supported except autofocus and some exposure modes
• Other AF Nikkor*2 : All functions supported except 3D color matrix metering, i-TTL balanced fill-fl ash for digital SLR
• Non-CPU : Can be used in exposure mode M, but exposure meter does not function; electronic range finder can be used if maximum aperture is f/5.6 or faster
*1 IX Nikkor lenses can not be used
*2 Excluding lenses for F3AF

What mount does thelens you want have?
Any Nikon lens that says "AF" should work. AIS and AI lenses are manual focus lenses, but will still meter on your d80. Any AF lens in the aperture size your looking is going to be relatively expensive, except for the 50mm f1.8, but won't work very well for shooting sports becuase your going to need a longer focal length. Anything 85mm+ starts to get expensive, and anything beyond about 200mm gets astronomically more expensive. The cheapest thing you can get for shooting sports is probably a 180mm f2.8 at around $600-800 or a 300mm f4 at around the same price. You "stop down" a lens by a stop or two and the lens will usually be sharper (hence shooting a f1.4 at f2). This isn't always the case on higher end glass though.

I'd highly recommend reading 'Understanding Exposure' by Bryan Peterson, it'll give you a better understanding of aperture size and what have you.
Yes and No!! Let us know the lens and we'll tell you. Some will work but depending oin the lens, you may lose lose auo focus.

It's all down to the camera and lens mount. your manual should tell you this but here it is.

Lens mount - The D80 has a Nikon F mount (with AF coupling & AF contacts)

THe D80 will accept the following lenses

• DX Nikkor : All functions supported
• Type G or D AF Nikkor : All functions supported
• Micro Nikkor 85 mm F2.8D : All functions supported except autofocus and some exposure modes
• Other AF Nikkor*2 : All functions supported except 3D color matrix metering, i-TTL balanced fill-fl ash for digital SLR
• Non-CPU : Can be used in exposure mode M, but exposure meter does not function; electronic range finder can be used if maximum aperture is f/5.6 or faster
*1 IX Nikkor lenses can not be used
*2 Excluding lenses for F3AF

What mount does thelens you want have?

I'm currently looking at this lens. I'm on a budget. I'm not looking to be a professional. I'm learning. I know one ben frank on such a "high end" lens isn't much. The quality of the glass has to suffer but I'm looking for that extra 100mm zoom from my current 200mm Nikkor kit lens.

Also I know sigma are built well and have a lot of metal as opposed to the plastic in the same price range or even double priced Nikon lenses.

Any opinions or suggestions are welcome maybe you know of a better brand for $150 or less that would make me happier. I also noticed with the f/4.5 that I'm not going to be taking pictures in the dark without getting them EXTREMELY grainy from the high ISO to be able to stop the action with a high enough shutter speed.

I realize this began with having a fast lens and has went to a telephoto, but I'm just perusing seeing what I can find for a good price to start expanding my collection of glass, thereby, expanding what I can shoot.
Any Nikon lens that says "AF" should work. AIS and AI lenses are manual focus lenses, but will still meter on your d80.
Nope, no metering with AI or AI-s lenses on the D80. You need the D200 or above to get metering.

I'm currently looking at this lens. I'm on a budget. I'm not looking to be a professional. I'm learning. I know one ben frank on such a "high end" lens isn't much. The quality of the glass has to suffer but I'm looking for that extra 100mm zoom from my current 200mm Nikkor kit lens.

Also I know sigma are built well and have a lot of metal as opposed to the plastic in the same price range or even double priced Nikon lenses.

Any opinions or suggestions are welcome maybe you know of a better brand for $150 or less that would make me happier. I also noticed with the f/4.5 that I'm not going to be taking pictures in the dark without getting them EXTREMELY grainy from the high ISO to be able to stop the action with a high enough shutter speed.

I realize this began with having a fast lens and has went to a telephoto, but I'm just perusing seeing what I can find for a good price to start expanding my collection of glass, thereby, expanding what I can shoot.

The Sigma 70-300mm, seems the general consensus is that it's a great lens for the price, BUT you should get the APO Super II version of it.

This comparison will show you why. http://www.outdoorphoto.co.za/forum/showthread.php?t=3868
The Sigma 70-300mm, seems the general consensus is that it's a great lens for the price, BUT you should get the APO Super II version of it.

This comparison will show you why. http://www.outdoorphoto.co.za/forum/showthread.php?t=3868
My main reason in getting the lens is the 2-in-1 functionality of it. I NEED the macro because I take images of marbles 5/8" actually, regular marbles as well smaller ones. I also like the fact that I can use it for long range as well. If this lens works well I may sell my kit 55-200 Nikkor lens. Depends on how it compares though. I don't see a reason to need a 55-200, right? I mean, what's the odds I'll need something exactly within that 15mm range in between the two lenses?
My main reason in getting the lens is the 2-in-1 functionality of it. I NEED the macro because I take images of marbles 5/8" actually, regular marbles as well smaller ones. I also like the fact that I can use it for long range as well. If this lens works well I may sell my kit 55-200 Nikkor lens. Depends on how it compares though. I don't see a reason to need a 55-200, right? I mean, what's the odds I'll need something exactly within that 15mm range in between the two lenses?

Just so you understand that this is not a TRUE macro lens, as a true macro lens allows 1:1 magnification.
I mean, what's the odds I'll need something exactly within that 15mm range in between the two lenses?

If you don't mind walking a little bit...it should almost never matter. I like having all focal lengths covered though, maybe just because I'm slightly OCD. :lol:

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