Looking for a good Wireless shutter (intervalometer) for my camera


TPF Noob!
Jul 11, 2018
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I was spending a couple of hours to get to know difference between those 3 items, could you help me to choose the right one for a timelapse photography?
  1. Pixel tw-283 S2 Wireless Shutter Release Timer Remote Control
  2. PIXEL FSK 2.4GHz Wireless Shutter Remote Release Control
  3. AODELAN WTR2 Camera Wireless Shutter Release Timer Remote Control
Also I don't get it why AODELAN WTR2 cost double price in comparison with other 2 options from PIXEL?
I watched this video by Mark Galer and I don't get it what does it mean IF signal? Can I do the same what he showed on the video with AODELAN WTR2 on my Sony A7ii? Thank you!
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...I don't get it what does it mean IF signal?


I have never had luck using an intervalometer that communicates with the camera via infrared. For one thing on the Sony it's IF sensor is in the front (maybe good for selfies) but if you're standing behind it is not 100% reliable and I have many time-lapse sequences that show missing gaps. I believe with the older Sonys you can still purchase and use the play memories app ( good chance I may be wrong) The newer cameras (III) the app store is a no go.

For just remotely firing the shutter you can use the phone app.
...I don't get it what does it mean IF signal?


I have never had luck using an intervalometer that communicates with the camera via infrared. For one thing on the Sony it's IF sensor is in the front (maybe good for selfies) but if you're standing behind it is not 100% reliable and I have many time-lapse sequences that show missing gaps. I believe with the older Sonys you can still purchase and use the play memories app ( good chance I may be wrong) The newer cameras (III) the app store is a no go.

For just remotely firing the shutter you can use the phone app.

right, a smart phone app works fine for remote shutter ... and many other functions
I think guys you didn´t see the video. Because IF signal it´s not the same as infared. I guess it´s something how quick the remote sends commands to the body. You have to watch the video. Because all remotes that I mentioned they are working through 2.4Ghz wireless signal, so you can get stable connection up to 60m, even if you are in the other room. The reason why I´ve made this topic is to understand is it worthy to pay double price for AODELAN WTR2 in comparing with Pixel model.
My personal point of view that in some situations you need a wireless shutter release timer. The only question is which model to choose.
I use Sony's timelapse app on both of my cameras many times. Easy access on the camera menu. Install via the SD card. If you shoot raw then choose the custom settings. List of cameras compatible: Time-lapse | PlayMemories Camera Apps

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