Looking for a Great P&S


TPF Noob!
Aug 2, 2011
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Simple is key, but good quality. Looking for new. Any suggestions?
Budget? Size? (P&S vs. bridge).
Best Buy has a Canon A2200 on sale for $79. I don't know much about it but it's a cheap p&s
go to the store.
You really need to be more specific to get a real answer. What do you plan to use it for? Ie Do you want it as your main source for photography, a companion to keep with along wth an Slr, general snapshots.....? Is pricing an issue?
Catching back up. Sorry about the lack of specifics. Budget - $350 at the high end. Purpose - general MWAC use :) Oh, and my kid moves fast so something that can capture the moment and be ready to shoot again quickly. Thanks everyone!!
The Nikon P100 Coolpix would be worth considering. It's light, easy to use, has a pull out monitor as well as an electronic viewfinder, 26X optical zoom, anti shake, matrix, centre weighted and spot metering, a full set of creative programs but can also be used manually, is fast and has a very nice lens. It also has full HD video that you can zoom whilst filming. I don't know the current price but paid less than 300 euros for mine roughly a year ago.
If you need very fast response, a dSLR is almost mandatory, because any compact camera will be slower. However, you can compare shutter lags of many cameras with this tool: Digital Camera Shutter Lag Comparison Table or more in general with this Compare Digital Cameras - Camera Prices and Reviews (at the end of results page there is a section with timings: look for shutter lag, cycling time, etc).
Unfortunately the S95, which is excellent from many other points of view, seems slow from reviews.
In addition to the usual two names, also Panasonic (e.g., FZ150) and Fuji (e.g., HS20EXR) and Sony do great compact cameras.
Again, you have to decide also size. As examples, look at S95, P7000, FZ150 to have an idea of typical sizes. The larger not the better in image quality, but often the longer zoom.
Look also here for some recent review: http://www.dpreview.com/articles/4333175133/buyers-guide-enthusiast-raw-shooting-compact-cameras and here for some more superficial comparison: http://www.digitalversus.com/digital-camera/buyer-guide-best-bridge-cameras-a1343.html (and
Canon, Nikon, or Olympus are good cameras for this price range in my opinion
I had a Canon SX120 before I dropped it and I upgraded to my Rebel. I really loved that little camera. I think they are up to about a SX150 in that series, and I will probably invest in another one for a pocket camera. Although it's a bit bulky for pockets - more of a purse camera.
Canon G11 great focal lengths and all manual or all auto
Canon G12 over S95, imo. Hotshoe flash is very handy.

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