Looking for some input!!!

The last one is the best and actually really good. The rest are either over exposed, under exposed, or the WB is off.
2 of the 5 shots are out of focus.
Other ones have composition issues and others have exposure / flash issues.

Keep shooting and practicing the basics. Dont worry about too much other than getting a sharp, well exposed imaged for now, keeping composition in the back of your mind...one thing at a time
Thanks for the feedback! I'm still learning all the settings on my camera! Should I be using a tripod for my shoots??
If you think it would help you stop and think, sure.

Personally, I only use a tripod for night shooting still subjects. Learn to hand hold your camera and what shutter speed you need to shoot at to ensure no blur and such.

Pick up Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson. Its an awesome entry level book
Bryan Peterson is great! I do need to get that book! Thanks :)
These are just more of the same...

If you want comments on your images, chose 1-2, put them in their own thread, and actually post up the picture, not just a link. People dont like clicking on links
For some reason...the pictures won't upload! Hence the links...

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