Looking for some photo critiquing


TPF Noob!
Jun 7, 2010
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Hello everyone, I've been shooting with my Nikon D80 for over 2 years and more seriously in the past 1.5 years. The type of photography I've been doing is mostly photojournalism around my town and school. I'm not sure what I can do at this point to improve my photos although I'm still having trouble in getting shots in perfect sharpness.

In terms of PP I use the RAW photo editor in Photoshop to up exposure, saturation etc. nothing too special. The next thing I do is noise reduction, portraiture and high pass sharpening.

Here are the photos:


Symhponic Band Tours - 2010
by Mat Gene, on Flickr


Symhponic Band Tours - 2010
by Mat Gene, on Flickr


SCSS Regatta - 2010
by Mat Gene, on Flickr


Symphonic Band @ Commencement - 2010
by Mat Gene, on Flickr

Some more to look at:
SCSS Regatta - 2010 - a set on Flickr
Symphonic Band @ Commencement - 2010 - a set on Flickr
Symphonic Band Tours - 2010 - a set on Flickr

So the photos aren't working...anyone know how I can get them to show?

*EDIT 2*
They now work!
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post the IMG tagged links.

also what lens are you using to defocus everything except your subject?
post the IMG tagged links.

also what lens are you using to defocus everything except your subject?

That would be called depth of field, and it is not caused solely by the lens used...

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Stop Shooting Auto![/FONT]

i do not auto shoot. but i have seen that some of my photos have come out that way. i need to practice more on how to do that. im still new! thanks for that link
post the IMG tagged links.

also what lens are you using to defocus everything except your subject?

That would be called depth of field, and it is not caused solely by the lens used...

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Stop Shooting Auto![/FONT]

i do not auto shoot.

No, that's what the blog is called... I wasn't telling you to 'stop shooting auto'. I linked to the website and the link displayed the name of the blog. Check out the Exposure Lessons in Order.
Blown out, I think you mean out of focus.

On my monitor which is calibrated they look overexposed .

For some reason I can't check the metadata, but that is probably from my end.
First 2 definitely look overexposed on my screen, second more so than the first. Third one is nothing special, except that he kind of looks like a young Tom Hanks. I like the 4th one a lot.

Whoever was trying to explain the "out of focus background" made it way harder than it has to be.

The more open the aperture (ie. f/1.4, 1.8, 2, etc.) the more "bokeh" or depth of field control you have. It also depends on your subect, how far away your subject is to your background, not just the aperture, but it has a lot to do with it.
#4 is teriffic!
I think the first one is best, but also looks over sharpened to me. But it's hard to tell at this size. The second one, the OOF jacket in his face kills the shot for me. The third one is a nice exposure, but the shot is just very lifeless to me. The fourth one would be much better if those guys weren't growing out of his back. I wouldn't hesitate to take it into photoshop and make them part of the black background.


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