makeover! :)

Inspired by Sue Bryce perhaps? :)

Good job!

Sue Bryce! I am in love with her! How did I not know about her before? She is a New Zealander even! I LOVE her work, it is gorgeous and definitely something to aspire to. (for me anyway) and I love her tips and tutorials. Thank you for introducing her to me Jowensphoto! :)
Sure! Check out Jennifer Rozenbaum too! Both very inspirational ladies focused on empowering women.

Can't wait to see more :)
Be careful with poses like #5. Having such an extreme turn places the shoulder closest to the lens and a prominent feature, making the mask a secondary subject. Bare shoulders only accentuate this. Also, this gives very little foundation for the neck and head to rest upon, creating some imbalance for the subject. By having the head turned so far, you are introducing neck creases. Lastly, IMO the key light is set too low. Notice the direction of the nose shadow.

Overall, very nice work.
Thank you Kundalini ... I definitely see what you mean :)
Sweeping the light across the breadth of her face as was done in #2 and #5 made her face look very fat. Simply an unflattering approach. Look closely and you can 'see' this apparent added weight. Plus it's a full face angle. Just the wrong lighting approach for her.

Moving the main light to the other side as you did in shots #3 and #4 makes her face look slimmer and MUCH better. Do a search on the terms broad lighting and short lighting. Broad lighting on a face like hers is often a much less-flattering way to light and pose than is short lighting.

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