Maternity picture...


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Sep 26, 2011
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I took some pictures for a friend who is having a baby. This was one of my favorites!! :D

I like the PP on this, and I also like the concept.

I'd really like to see Mom's head in the shot, though, and her hands look somehow awkward... Perhaps if they were more underneath her belly?
It's different, I'll give you that.
For me, exact symetry is required for this to work. You're not close.
Bra, watch, white foot poking through folded legs - all distract for me.
I also agree with tighter crop comment.

Even after all that, I'm not sure it works for me.
Thanks for the feedback..I'll work on the symmetry part next time. As for the crop, is that a personal preference?? I tend to like negative space. How could I have used it better in this picture?
Thanks for the feedback..I'll work on the symmetry part next time. As for the crop, is that a personal preference?? I tend to like negative space. How could I have used it better in this picture?

I think the hands, which seem to be making a heart, are obscuring the reach of the belly, which is what I think you are going for in this shot. I'm thinking more of a buddha like pose.

As for negative space, she is on grass.....have you considered playing with the green channel on your BW conversion? You could darken it, or lighten it to have her almost floating.

Just a thought. Take it with a grain of salt, I don't know squat about maternity photos.


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