Max Print Size?

Jeez dpolston, that's perty big.

I'm downloading the trial of CS3 right now since I think I heard that is better for upsizing then my 5.0. (hopefully the trial lets me do stuff anyways)

I think I should keep trying different ways to enlarge my pic for max quality. Once I think it's good enough I will definitely try the 16 x 20 print.
I re-did the enlargement in CS3 and it's a bit better, I feel like it can make a good 16 x 20 now. I already uploaded the pic to winkflash now I just need to order. (walks away to find parents)
Great, now I convinced myself I want a 20x30. (sigh..)

My new dimensions would be:

30x20 inches (150 ppi)

Would the shot turn out okay if it looks like this at 100%? I no 150 ppi is pushing it, but I guess the quality doesn't have to be the best since it will be big anyways. Here's an example at 100%:

How would that turn out?
It looks a bit too pixelated for my tastes. Could you use a semi-pro local lab? They are better able to judge good quality printing sizes.
Thanks Brittany, is this better? It loses some sharpness but I don't think that will affect it too much. Plus I think a lot of the pixelation is gone.

Okay, I sent a 20x30 pic to mpix to be printed on metallic paper. :)

It was 30 bucks out of my dad's pocket but I said I'll sell a videogame or 2 to pay him back.

Here is what the final 100% crop looks like, I think it will be acceptable:

Wish me luck. :)
uh oh, will my print be okay if it's only 150 ppi? The quality of the 100% isn't even that good to begin with, will the 150 ppi deduct from the quality even more? Will it be noticeable in the print too much?

I just hope it works out.
Regarding your questions, I hope YOU will let us know when it arrives.

BTW - I just ordered an 18x24 stretched canvas from the Winkflash site you brought to my attention, and it is also just 150 DPI. Fingers crossed..

Also, I got some metallic 4x6 prints from mpix last week, I like the look but they do curl a bit so you may want to plan on spray mounting your print. Good luck!

-Shea :mrgreen:
Maximum size is only limited by the printer, not the M.P. of the camera. Many, and I do mean many billboards have been printed with images from 6 M.P. cameras. One of my best selling prints is from a 5.47 M.P. D1X shot in 2003. It ran as a limited release print in 36"X54" poster size. To see it look here:
The file name is Azuli-outdoors-02. The next image is a crop from the 36" wide file. Viewed from 3 or more feet away the poster is a stunning image that many have asked if it was shot in medium format. I will chase mega pixels as much as the next guy, and I'm a gear head as much as anyone on the forum. But it's not the M.P.'s that really make the image. Go look in the mirror, now there is the real image maker!
Regarding your questions, I hope YOU will let us know when it arrives.

BTW - I just ordered an 18x24 stretched canvas from the Winkflash site you brought to my attention, and it is also just 150 DPI. Fingers crossed..

Also, I got some metallic 4x6 prints from mpix last week, I like the look but they do curl a bit so you may want to plan on spray mounting your print. Good luck!

-Shea :mrgreen:

It should be here already, I ordered FedEx Next Business Day because I have no patience!

Spray mounting? What's that?

Jstuedle, thanks for the info. How did you enlargen it with so much quality? Genuine Fractals?
BTW - I just ordered an 18x24 stretched canvas from the Winkflash site you brought to my attention, and it is also just 150 DPI.

Yeah that's cool, tell me how it turns out. Winkflash seems nice, for some reason I just wanted a metallic print so that's why I ended up with mpix. I guess I will be alternating a lot from the 2 sites.
It should be here already, I ordered FedEx Next Business Day because I have no patience!

Spray mounting? What's that?

Jstuedle, thanks for the info. How did you enlargen it with so much quality? Genuine Fractals?

No, at the time I only used PShop ver. 7. I up-sampled 10% at a time untill I got the image to size at 300 DPI. I did no other post untill at final size.
Interesting, I think the quality of my Rusty pic came out okay with the enlargement, but will the 150 ppi kill me?
Spray mounting? What's that?
Yeah I guess that was a bit cryptic. I simply meant that you might want to spray some adhesive on the back and carefully mount it to some foam core or other stiffer material, matte board etc..


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