Meet Tucker


TPF Noob!
Aug 29, 2007
Reaction score
Clearwater, FL
Can others edit my Photos
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These are some promo shots I did for my pet photography this weekend w/ my guys...would like some feedback from people other than friends, family and coworkers! First time posting pix, here goes...
Thanks, Rebecca



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I love the 1st and 2nd one. Don't really care for selective coloring but thats just a personal thing.
I love the last two!!!
Amazing!!! The first one kind of reminds me of a glamour shot from the 90s.....
I'm like his hair isn't big enough!! :)
good stuff!
I like them, but the third one would a much much stronger portrait without the selective coloring. Just a question, but why did you want the tongue in color? I'm not a fan of selective color at all, but I usually see it on the eyes, flowers, etc. and that makes sense because you want those areas to be engaging but why the tongue?
I like them, but the third one would a much much stronger portrait without the selective coloring. Just a question, but why did you want the tongue in color? I'm not a fan of selective color at all, but I usually see it on the eyes, flowers, etc. and that makes sense because you want those areas to be engaging but why the tongue?

It actually was a spur of the moment thing, I was just messing around with the shot and to me, the big, floppy tongue stood out.

The first one I did below had the frame color picking up the tongue color, which I thought looked cool.


Here is the original b/w, which I do like just as well.

I think they are just two completely different styles to go with, depending on what personal preferences are.

It is interesting that so many people either love or hate selective coloring. Thanks for your comments!
I actually like selective coloring. I would have never thought to do the tongue though. The one with the border around it that matched the tongue I really like. But that's my opinion.
The shots are technically great and display your versatility. Asking for feedback is smart!
I actually like selective coloring. I would have never thought to do the tongue though. The one with the border around it that matched the tongue I really like. But that's my opinion.

Nice series.

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