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cls is a pain in the ass usually though. It doesnt always fire. It has to be almost perfect situation for it to happen. Wait, can you use cls as like a control for the flashes through the new PWs and not have to use the pop up flash? Will old PWs work with these new ones with CLS?

What about skyports? are they any good?

I don't know since they're not out, but that's my prediction. That's probably why the Nikon triggers weren't released with the Canon. Canon's wireless TTL system just does TTL afaik. It's not as complicated as Nikon's CLS. If the new PW's allow you to use CLS without using the flash, then they'll be awesome. From my understanding, that's the whole point.

The old triggers will be compatible but they'll just fire the flashes manually.

Skyports are ok. They're another alternative to any of the other triggers. I'll own a set eventually, but they're going to be the proprietary units that just work with the Elinchrom lights and that's only because they come with the set of lights I'm going to end up with eventually.
With the radio poppers, you had to have an on camera flash for the transmitter to read and send. With the PWs, they will "read" the TTL pulses fromthe hotshoe and transmit them wirelessly to a remotely mounted flash with a receiver and make it work in TTL mode WAY better than CLS by itself. Think of it as CLS on stereoids.

What I hope, though, is that they do a better job than with the Canon from the sense that we will be able to use CLS to set remote flash power via in camera settings and then trigger them using CLS, and not just the iTTL aspects alone.

We'll see how that comes out when they are released.
so should i get the 3 PW plus II, two flash stands and flash adapters for 500?
OMG, dude, I really think either you are over-thinking this. :)
Look at the pros and cons and make a choice!

New PW Plus II's go for $144 (rebate included). If the PWs being sold are battered, old or damaged, pass on it, becuase everything else in the kit is not that much more expensive.

You *still* have not mentioned what kind of stands (though I can get lightstands for $15 used or $20 brand new) or go up as high as several hundred dollars for huge Manfrotto stands. Condition of the equipment is also very important.

Now... you have all the info you need, you saw the used equipment (I hope??) and know what you would be getting. Decide which is the better choice... and make it! ;)

Personally I don't think it is much of a deal... at worst, I could likely have all new equipment for only a few dollars more. Do the math, its SIMPLE:

PW IIs X 3 = $432
2 light stands = $60
2 adapters = $20
Total: $512-$550 (a few play dollars for incidentals) for BRAND NEW items.

I don't know why you could not have done this easy exercise yourself. ;)
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they are "light-trons" stands. I cant even find them... But i have seen pics of everything and it all looks perfect, He wrote his name and the date on a piece of paper underneath the PW's so i knew they were his.

I have done this exercise a few times. But i guess just buying it all together in one shot is easier.

Do you think that Pw's will get even cheaper soon?

I do not know if that place is legit, but that price is a common one:

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/PocketWizard-PWP-TR-801-125-Transceiver-Black/dp/B000GHXMO8/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1236907260&sr=8-1]Amazon.com: PocketWizard PWP-TR 801-125 PLUS II Transceiver (Black): Electronics[/ame]
Do you think that Pw's will get even cheaper soon?

What, a price drop from $220 to around $145 is not a big enough drop? (lol)

No, I doubt it will drop any further. Besides, if you plan to get them new, do it fast, becuase the rebate ends in March. If you procrastinate, you will end up paying MORE.

Go to the PW website to download the rebate form and if you get them, follow it 100% to the letter else they will not give you the rebate.

All this is assuming that you have finalized on the PW IIs instead of waiting for the TTL versions or looking at other triggering alternatives.
jerry, can i have your babies?

and have you ever heard of "light-trons" ?
1. You're a gal? It's a compliment, but no thanks... lol

This internet thingie throws out all my sense of proprieties.

2. Yes. If it is the same that I saw, theyère basically low end stands, nothing different than what B&H or Adorama offer in the ~ $30-40 range.
who says i have to be a woman? science has come far these days. And i want you to rethink your answer.... lolol

Im just gonna buy these off this kid. Help out a fellow photographer. Thanks a lot for all the help everyone!!
who says i have to be a woman? science has come far these days. And i want you to rethink your answer.... lolol

Ain't gona happen... and remember, they come out the same way they went in (they just come out a LOT bigger)... lmao!

Im just gonna buy these off this kid. Help out a fellow photographer. Thanks a lot for all the help everyone!!

Enjoy the new toys!
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