Minolta Maxxum 50mm f1.4 AF lens.


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Jun 7, 2012
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While we have long since gotten rid of most of our camera equipment, every so often I still find buried treasure lurking in the closet.
Today I came across a Minolta AF 50mm f1.4 lens that survived the great maxxum purge of...well, I don't remember when, it's been a while.

If my Google-fu is not off base, it seems that this Minolta mount is the same as the Sony a mount, a full frame lens, and will function on Sony FX and DX DSLRs, as well as NEX cameras with an adapter that still allows AF to work.
Also said to work on Sonys full frame mirrorless with an adapter with functioning AF.

The only caveat I could find is that the AF-D depth map AF and automatic lens correction won't work with this lens.
(This is a Sony feature I'm unfamiliar with)

Interestingly enough, this funny little lens has a built in telescoping lens hood.

Anyone here shoot sony that could weigh in on this? I don't have any sony or Minolta cameras.
Mine is the original 1985-1990 model.
Except for some wear on the rubber that only goes halfway around the lens, it is in excellent condition.





sent by synchronized cardioversion
I sure liked that lens when I still had my Maxxum, but I gave it all away. I briefly considered getting a Sony Digital camera, but then chose a different system altogether.
My Sony DSLA390 uses the A mount lenses, I don't have a 50, are you looking to part from it?
My Sony DSLA390 uses the A mount lenses, I don't have a 50, are you looking to part from it?
Probably. I don't have any Minolta or sony cameras, so I'm not likely to ever have a use for it. It looks pretty sitting on my dresser though, so there is that.

sent by synchronized cardioversion
Yes, it is an A-mount that is used on the Sony cameras (DSLR/SLT) and can be used with the appropriate NEX adapter.
Minolta did build in a small plastic sliding hood on their 50mm lenses ... its short but better than nothing.
Not sure if it works with ADI ... it should if it has 8 contacts.
Slightly higher IQ than the Minolta f1.7, but the Sony f/1.4 is better.
... and you have the crossed X version, which they removed after Exxon took notice.

Looks like Bogey wants it first ... otherwise I would take it.
Yes, it is an A-mount that is used on the Sony cameras (DSLR/SLT) and can be used with the appropriate NEX adapter.
Minolta did build in a small plastic sliding hood on their 50mm lenses ... its short but better than nothing.
Not sure if it works with ADI ... it should if it has 8 contacts.
Better IQ than the f1.7.
... and you have the crossed X version, which they removed after Exxon took notice.

Looks like Bogey wants it first ... otherwise I would take it.

I'm in shift today, but from the picture it looks like only 5 contacts. Maybe some are just close together. I'll have to take a closer look when I get home tomorrow.

sent by synchronized cardioversion
It should be 5 contacts. Here's a review I found on line.
Minolta 50mm f/1.4 Review
Well, it certainly got a pretty good review from Ken.
I found a few other reviews on it with more sample images. All in all it looks to be a good lens.

sent by synchronized cardioversion
It should be 5 contacts. Here's a review I found on line.
Minolta 50mm f/1.4 Review

so, got home and checked out the lens. definitely 5 contacts.
everything ive read so far says that it will AF on sony DSLR's (and mirrorless with the right adapter)
its probably not as good as modern f1.4 lenses, but all the reviews ive read on it have, so far, been mostly positive.
metal mount is a plus.

i found a flickr page for this lens and rummaged through it a bit.
Minolta AF 50mm F1.4

I really like the bokeh from this lens.
advent u zagrebu
the circles aren't perfectly spherical, but they arent jagged either. i think this is a very pleasing rendering, especially for an older lens.

i also liked the way it renders people.
Camila Retamales

overall, it looks like it produces some really nice results.
probably not as nice as the new zeiss version....but its also not $1200.
Looks pretty good. I actually doubt that most so-called modern 50mm lenses are better than this mid- to late-1980's design...there really has not been a lot of movement forward in 50mm lemns design, except for the bloated Sigma ART type and Otus 55mm lens types...50mm f/1.4 lenses used to be somewhat better than slower lenses, as a generalized concept, so this lens is probably more than adequate for digital SLR use or mirrorless adapting. I looked at the photos of the three people, and the rendering looks quite lovely.
The photos do look good, like the bokeh!!
I have 5, my old film SRT 101, built like a Sherman Tank, film X700, Alpha A100, dead, Sony A3000, Sony A390. Shoot mostly the eight grand kids, snapped about 2000 photos this past May in Europe.

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