Mirror Mirror


TPF Noob!
Jun 19, 2010
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New York
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First Macro for me,
On the Trunk of my Car this afternoon.


Cool subject and I really like the idea. The problem is that the wasp (and specifically its eyes) are not in focus, which really detracts from the shot. For shots at near-macro range with no extra lighting, you're going to have to bump up the ISO so you can shoot with a smaller aperture and get the subject focused properly - notice how your depth of field is razor thin even at f/8.0. If you bump it up to ISO 400 or even 800 if necessary, it will be a lot easier to get a crisp, properly-focused shot.
Hah I love that! He's totally checking himself out. Good tips above!
Thanks Natalie, and Bossy.
Cool subject and I really like the idea. The problem is that the wasp (and specifically its eyes) are not in focus, which really detracts from the shot. For shots at near-macro range with no extra lighting, you're going to have to bump up the ISO so you can shoot with a smaller aperture and get the subject focused properly - notice how your depth of field is razor thin even at f/8.0. If you bump it up to ISO 400 or even 800 if necessary, it will be a lot easier to get a crisp, properly-focused shot.
Agreed, the focus is on the mirror not the eyes...
With macro f/8 and 1/40 sec. shutter speed are not going to give you the crisp shots. I shoot in the range of f/16 - f/20 with off camera lighting and a shutter speed of 1/160 to 1/200.

Fishkon, I don't feel comfortable posting an image on a site that someone else has started but since you are new to macro I'm assuming you won't mind an example of what I was talking about in my previous post. This was shot at f/16 - 1/250 sec. at ISO800. I normally use an ISO of 400 or less but think I used a higher ISO on this shot so I could dial down the flash.


@Edsport, Yes the focus is on the Mirror but that was purely by accident I am a total noob at all this, starting a photography class in March lets hope it goes well. Thanks for the input.

@jriepe (Jerry) hell yeah you can post on here, that shot looks awesome. some day i'll be there, will take some time as I am all new to this. but like mentioned above I'm starting a class in March. Thanks for the settings input I will definitely be taking your advice when I find another subject come the spring. Thanks again, Post up another one.

You invited me to post another one so I will post one more. This was taken at f/14 and I rarely go below f/16 but I do at times accidentally hit the command wheel changing my f stop and sometimes my shutter speed. This one was also shot at ISO800 and if I remember correctly I did use a higher ISO with some of my shots so I could dial down the flash avoiding hot spots. I'm sure you've been told that with macro manual focusing is the only way to go but many of my macro shots are auto focused as this one was. With my 180mm lens I use two SB600 speedlights with one on each side of the lens with a macro flash bracket. With my 90mm lens I can get good shots using one speedlight on a flash bracket that extends above the camera. Providing your own lighting allows for much faster shutter speeds and hand holding the camera. With slow shutter speeds a tripod is essential and you'll still get blurry images from subject movement.
A good technique with manual focusing is to hold the viewfinder to your eye and move in on the subject. When precise focus is attained immediately press the shutter button and providing your own lighting which will allow a fast shutter speed your shot will be sharp & crisp. Macro is not that difficult if you follow a few simple rules.



You invited me to post another one so I will post one more. This was taken at f/14 and I rarely go below f/16 but I do at times accidentally hit the command wheel changing my f stop and sometimes my shutter speed. This one was also shot at ISO800 and if I remember correctly I did use a higher ISO with some of my shots so I could dial down the flash avoiding hot spots. I'm sure you've been told that with macro manual focusing is the only way to go but many of my macro shots are auto focused as this one was. With my 180mm lens I use two SB600 speedlights with one on each side of the lens with a macro flash bracket. With my 90mm lens I can get good shots using one speedlight on a flash bracket that extends above the camera. Providing your own lighting allows for much faster shutter speeds and hand holding the camera. With slow shutter speeds a tripod is essential and you'll still get blurry images from subject movement.
A good technique with manual focusing is to hold the viewfinder to your eye and move in on the subject. When precise focus is attained immediately press the shutter button and providing your own lighting which will allow a fast shutter speed your shot will be sharp & crisp. Macro is not that difficult if you follow a few simple rules.



Beautiful Shot Jerry, That guy looks tired LOl. thanks again for all the info. This type of Photagraphy really speaks to me. I hope some day to be shooting like this.
I was looking at the lens mounted speedlights. Or a Light ring. Lets see how this class goes and I'll start accessorizing then. Thanks again. Beautiful Shots both of them.
Welcome to the world of macro. You have been given some good pointers here. An alternative in focusing is one that is taught by LordV. That is to set the focus and swing through the focal point and back, taking the shot on the back swing. It takes a while to master but is a very effective technique.
I use flashes in a bracket mounted to the camera, or mount the flashes to the front of the lens.

This shots were done with a 580EXII mounted in a flash bracket with an 8"x5" soft box on the flash. ISO was 200, f/stop was 11, shutter speed was 1/250. I think these were the settings.



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