Misty Seastacks


TPF Noob!
Mar 5, 2008
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Can others edit my Photos
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This is my first post on this forum, let alone my first image post. Yes, I'm a Newbie...:pale:

So, go "easy" on me if you can. But at the same time, any constructive criticism would be welcome, as long as you don't cut me up too badly!

I felt that these seastacks showed a strong subject, and that they were enhanced by the fog breaking up into a showing of the blue sky above.

This was an enjoyable morning, full of light and just plain fun walking.

Yashica Mat 124

+1, nicely captured.

6x6 is an interesting format for landscapes, of course you can crop it but I think you made the right choice here. I've got a box of Velvia 50 in the fridge, shame I haven't got anything like this nearby to use it on. :wink:
Awesome shot! I have a Yashica also - A Yashica-A.

Is that on the West Coast? I want to go there!
Pretty nice pic.
Beautiful shot, great composition
Wow, thank you all! It is a nice feeling to have a welcome committee! You give me impetus to post some other images. Looks like there are some good people on this forum. :salute:

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