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Monochromatic Hawk - C&C


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May 6, 2011
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British Columbia
Can others edit my Photos
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Monochromatic Hawk by FourB Photography, on Flickr

I like the old film look of this heavily processed and cropped shot, but I can see a couple spots where I removed some branches with an adjustment brush.

Looking for some general critique, I haven't posted anything solely for that in a while.

Thanks for looking.
Nice image; minimalist, I love the shapes of the branches how you framed it.
I really like the way the composition balances the hawk with the curve of the branches. To me since I've shot quite a bit of B&W film the digital approximation of a film image seems to have noise that looks too even compared to the grain in emulsion on film (and shooting out in decent light you probably wouldn't have as much grain).

Looking closer I can see outlines around the hawk etc. and it seems like some adjustment to the contrast could give you some white in the image (this seems more black and light gray).

I agree the minimalism is done well here and it's a photo where the simplicity of it works beautifully.
vintagesnaps I was really trying to get some more white in it because it was bugging me too. I just couldn't manage in LR to bring out any more.
I agree the minimalism is done well here and it's a photo where the simplicity of it works beautifully.
Crop it just a tad, on the right, to omit that branch fork imo.

POTM candidate imho
Bumping for more critique.....
Looking closer I can see outlines around the hawk etc.

Me too; perhaps a bit of 'halo control' needed if that's possible, (I can see a bit of aliasing on the lower wing, left, also.)
In terms of raw material, I think it's a brilliant frame, and if black and grey is a conscious, subjective choice, I get it!
It somehow makes it more claustrophobic, mesmerizing, than a big bright sky would do.

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