Morning light on the rocks


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jul 12, 2008
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Flagler Beach Florida ;) this imabe was shot using a Canon 40D with a Canon 10-22 wide angle lens, a Singh Ray Gold n Blue Polarizer, tripod mounted

19 by jaharris1001, on Flickr
I think a Mod might need to get rid of the other two threads. Look like you had a triple-header trying to post this. :P

Beautiful shot. I love this.
I will be trying my hand at this soon.
Curious about the shutter speed for getting the water there. Could you post your settings at all? Thanks.
I think a Mod might need to get rid of the other two threads. Look like you had a triple-header trying to post this. :P

Beautiful shot. I love this.
I will be trying my hand at this soon.
Curious about the shutter speed for getting the water there. Could you post your settings at all? Thanks.
Thanks :lol: I sent a mod a request to delete the others, this page was acting strange this morning and didnt realize I posted 3 times till it was to late :lol:
my settings were 0.5s @ f18 ISO 100, tripod mounted :wink: Thanks for looking and commenting !! good luck with yours and look forward to seeing what you come up with
Yeah, I am just starting out and I got my camera a few weeks ago and then hurt my knee so I have been laid up only able to snap pics out my window and look at peoples work here. Bout healed up so I plan on getting out there soon, I live in a great place for outdoor photography.

I still need some work on figuring out what to do for shots so it's helpful when I see your photo and your settings. :)
Thanks blitz and hardrock :thumbup:
Blitz, Ive seen some pretty amazing landscapes come from your area !! You'll learn alot by visiting these forums and asking questions and posting too, you'll get constructive advice which is very beneficial as well, bet you cant wait for spring time eh :wink:
Oh yeah, especially since this winter turned out so far to be pretty mild. Kind of one of those things where, if it's going to snow and be cold then just SNOW and be cold, if not, then just warm up please and lets get spring time going already. I am on the Northwest side so I don't have to drive but 20 mins and I'm at the Puget Sound or go the other way and I am right in the mountains.

Yeah I will get to posting as soon as I get out, want to get a tripod and a polarizing filter and then be on my way. I am very good with handling the critiques and such. I've spent years on digital illustration and concept forums which is what I do artistically for the most part but have been wanting to get into photography for some time, some money came my way this Christmas and I jumped on the opportunity.

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