Mountain Photo Shoot


TPF Noob!
Aug 16, 2020
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A before and after post. Been trying to get better at just automatically knowing what to do with a picture when it get to post processing, but always end up puzzled. I find that i'm doing decent, but feel that it could be something much more.

I think I prefer the first one too.
Been trying to get better at just automatically knowing what to do with a picture when it get to post processing, but always end up puzzled

And therein lies your problem. Post processing as an after thought will never produce an image as good as one where you've considered the final finish "before" the shutter clicks.

One of my pet peeves is the mind set that post processing "fixes" the image, instead of being a part of the initial creative decisions. I liken it to the old computer adage "garbage in..garbage out". Working with the Raw file gives you a lot of latitude, but for every adjustment there is a price to pay. For example you can easily raise the shadows but doing so will raise the noise, reduce the noise and you start to lose detail. Then there are things like blown highlights on her hair and breast that can never be recovered because there's no data there to recover.

Think about how you want the final image to look before you release the shutter. Your lighting, DOF, and exposure should be calculated for that look. Do you need supplemental lighting or reflectors to reduce the dynamic range or can she be moved? What sort of DOF do you need to keep her in focus? How do you get light into the eyes? Are you going for a high key, dark and moody or dreamy look? They each require a different approach to lighting.

If you do the above, you'll find that post processing becomes a matter of enhancing your shot, and the steps you need to follow wilalready have been decided.
I like the second edit but without the fake sun beams. My rule is no fake added stuff to pics. Work with what you got. Also I'd clone the guard rail from the bottom corner.

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