My Block


TPF Noob!
Oct 9, 2007
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Harlem New York
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so i found this pic and had to post it mainly for Lafoto who shares a photo interest in the area/setting that i live in (im from the hood but it sure dont make me a bad person these, are the people i live with and speak with daily. we are nice people like you just not as blessed with the nice people environment.

my block harlem 153rd st NYC

and the brooklyn bridge
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lafoto this is from a friend i know youll like this one

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AND I do!
I do like both of these, and I wish I could get back to NYC and meet up with all the New Yorkers on here, also in their various 'hoods! That'd mean I could take photos there, too :D. My own photos ... taken in your 'hood! :D

(Psst: and watch the "o" at the end of my screenname ;))
these are way to cool for school man. That first one has got so much great stuff going on in it at one time, the color, the people, the building, the graffiti. everything works perfect in this photo.

And the second has some great detail. It really emphasizes how large the bridge is when that guy is standing there, it really puts it into perspective.

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