My coolest accident ever.


TPF Noob!
Aug 26, 2010
Reaction score
Olive Hill, Ky
Can others edit my Photos
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I was shooting an all day concert/festival yesterday/last night, and when it got dark is started getting really cold. I was using my on board flash, so when my hands would get numb I would put the flash down and sling the camera over my shoulder so I could hold my hands in my pocket. There were numerous times I'd pull the camera back up and forget to pop the flash back up and then I'd have to wait the 20 seconds until the shutter opened again. This particular time I forgot to pop the flash and I hit the shutter button. Just as I realized that I had done it again and was getting ready to start cussing over it I'm guessing someone's flash from the crowd (I was stage right) went off. It acted like an off camera flash and about half a second into my exposure it froze the subject and closed my shutter. Here's the result.


At first I thought a stage light caused it, and then I tried to duplicate it with the stage lights and it never worked. Then I took a second look at it, and it was definitely someone else' flash to my left. You can also see the blur from my movement to pull the camera down to pop the flash.
thats a sweet image!
Call up your buddy Seren Dipity and tell him the story! He'll try and take credit for being the guy whose flash fired!
Great shot. Now the fun is going to see his you can do it for real and on purpose.
Good luck.

Thanks for sharing.
Great shot. Now the fun is going to see his you can do it for real and on purpose.
Good luck.

Thanks for sharing.

Long exposure with hand held, manually fired flash. Easy Peasy.

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