My favorite from today's attempt! CC Please!


TPF Noob!
Dec 20, 2011
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United States
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Did a little practice today...This was my favorite....Would love any CC anyone is willing to offer (The top of her hair is off color because her girlfriend so nicely messed it up when they had a hair coloring party UGH)

LOVELOVELOVE_ppedit by joecrisjon, on Flickr
Definitely improving - I like the use of the sun as a back/hairlight, but the face is still under-exposed. Try using your pop-up flash in manual to provide some fill light.
Her face looks a bit underexposed and I find her braces really distracting. Maybe try some closed smiles.But that's just my own personal opinion, I really don't know much about face portraits.
Much improved from previous shots! As mentioned.. a bit underexposed.. and I think it could use a little more sharpening, especially on the eyes. I added just a touch of magenta also... you like?

as mentioned.. a bit underexposed.. and I think it could use a little more sharpening, especially on the eyes. I added just a touch of magenta also... you like?

Oh yeah, I really like that! :)
Very nice....I love the composition and how it looks to me you got the DoF just right.
Start reading about how to pose, meter for and use fill light, and always be really mindful of the background.
Her face looks a bit underexposed and I find her braces really distracting. Maybe try some closed smiles.But that's just my own personal opinion, I really don't know much about face portraits.

What's distracting about braces?
I did this....her face seemed a little underexposed and cool....


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