My Film camera far.


TPF Noob!
Mar 3, 2009
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Nanaimo, BC, Canada
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Pretty well just got into shooting film and still have lots to learn, but I just thought, I would post a couple pics of the film cameras I have.
I have gotten them for whicked deals (I think..) at pawn shops and thrift stores.
they are, (in order left to right)
-Pentax ME Super, with Takumar 80-200mm lense (newest find, got it today)
-Pentax Spotmatic SP II, with Takumar 50mm lense
-Minolta HI-MATIC AF2 , (fixed 38mm lense)
-Petri FT, with petri 55mm lense
and my "main" film camera
-Nikon F65, with Nikkor 28-80mm (my DSLR and this camera share most of there lenses/gear, but I wont get into my digital stuff here in the film section :p)


let me know what you think :)
I wish I had 5 film bodies.

Unfortunately, considering the fact that I've invested in Nikon glass, I'll be sticking with Nikon bodies. But it would be nice to find one of those F2AS's or FM2 Titanium Shutter's for uber-cheap somewhere (considering the fact that I only have barely enough money for film right now).
Another to add to the collection, went to a pawn shop that I figured wouldent have much camera equipment, and found a Canon EOS Elan IIe with a 28-80mm Canon lense, price was to good to pass up.


and the family, other then my POS casio that this photo's taken with
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the canon seems so big in my hands compared to my F65, I was thinking of what one to use as my "main" film camera, would it be worth investing into the canon as oposed to the Nikon F65 since my "daily driver" camera is a nikon D90 and i can share most of the gear with the F65. any input would be great, havent looked into that Canon a whole lot yet.
just wondering, but how much did you pay for the elan?

You might want to consider buying a F100 - basically a professional quality film body with a non-professional price. I really can't speak for Canon, but seeing as how I don't own ANYTHING by Canon, I'd drop the money into Nikon :)
As you continue to accumulate rigs you might wish to group them into 'systems'. It will help ensure that further acquisitions will 'fit' with the lenses and bodies you now have.

Looking at the cameras in terms of use, two bodies/system will take care of a breakdown that would otherwise make a set of lenses unusable.

As far as lenses go, your own preferences will guide you. A few carefully-selected primes and a general-purpose zoom for a mount system does the trick. Don't overlook adding a 2X teleconverter [a cheap 'cheat' for the lusted-after 100mm 'portrait' lenses,] and a set of extension tubes to a system. Well-chosen step-up rings and lens hoods, as well as filters and 'Proxars'(r) selected for the largest lens will permit the use of these accessories on all of the lenses across the mount systems.

Of course, there's always the 'oddball' that you just can't resist. For me, these include a Yashica G [a 'Killer' lens on an excellent 'walk-about' camera] and an Argus C-4 [just like it for its looks.]

I've found that Zip-lock(r) bags are a nice way to keep caseless rigs free from dust accumulation.

I've an accumulation of 35mm gear also, but it's centered on mounts: Leica screw thread, M42, K1000 and Konica. This interchangeability makes life rather pleasant when using the rigs -- and I certainly do use them.
just wondering, but how much did you pay for the elan?

You might want to consider buying a F100 - basically a professional quality film body with a non-professional price. I really can't speak for Canon, but seeing as how I don't own ANYTHING by Canon, I'd drop the money into Nikon :)

I got the Elan for $50 canadian with the lense. i will defenatly look into the F100 for now the F65 and D90 will have to do :p

thanks for the posts guys :)
The ElanIIe was my first Canon EOS camera. It is a wonderfully designed camera for any amateur. I still have it complete with a battery grip. I kinda wish Canon would return to the dual dial layout.
As you continue to accumulate rigs you might wish to group them into 'systems'. It will help ensure that further acquisitions will 'fit' with the lenses and bodies you now have.

When I first started to collect cameras, I promised myself "Pentax/Asahi/Heiland/Honeywell, screwmount M42, of 35mm format SLR, takumar lenses only and all items must cost under $100".

Then that promise was then reduced to "Pentax/Asahi/Heiland/Honeywell, screwmount M42, of 35mm format SLR, takumar lenses only" when I found a mint black paint spotmatic that cost just a hair above $100.

Then that promise was reduced to "Pentax/Asahi/Heiland/Honeywell, screwmount, of 35mm format SLR, with takumar/Pentax lenses only" with the addition of an Asahiflex IIB (different screwmount).

Then that promise was reduced to "Pentax, 35mm format, SLR, with pentax/takumar lenses" with the addition of a mint K1000 SE (brown leather), ME-F, ME, MX, and LX.

Then that promise was reduced to "Pentax, SLR, Pentax/Takumar lenses" with the addition of the Pentax 67 and 645.

Then that promise was reduced to SLR when my father gave me his old (and sentimental) Minolta 7000. It was my first camera to learn as a child. Shortly later, the collection grew with a Canon A1 w/ high speed motor and an AE1 program.

At this point, I dropped my last promise with the purchase a fun camera many love... Canon Canonet QL17 GIII. I then simply said.. . "I promise to keep it inexpensive".

Guess what? I didn't keep that promise either. I have always wanted to own a Leica so I saved and saved. Several months later, a Leica M3 joined my collection..................... followed by an M6 Titanium.....

Ah well... Final promise... "Stick to film cameras".

Yup... you guessed it. I never sold my Canon G1 nor my G3 when I got a used G5. It practically took an act of god to convince me to sell my D30 (3.2mp sensor one, not the 30D) to a friend and my 10D to my cousin, and I refuse to let go of my 1DMII. I acquired an example of the very first digital rangefinder.. a refurbished Epson R-D1 which I know will remain in my possession for a long time. I also found a Samsung GX-1L (Pentax copy) for a bargain price of $150 which is used for Macro and screwmounts. It gets worse.... with my current most used digital camera...

oh well... so much for keeping promises. The good news is that I haven't purchased a new camera in a long time now..


oh wait. Darn broke that too... I just purchased my first sub-compact P&S.. Panasonic TZ5 from circuit city (their last day in business).
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I'm a Nikon film whore.

I only own 3 AF lenses, the other 6 are older AI MF lenses.

They go perfectly with my FT2 and FM2n. And hopefully soon an F2AS.

Then maybe an EL, and an FE, and maybe an F4. But that's it. No more.... Just glass.

For a while anyway.

And 5 minutes can be considered a while right?
I got a Pentax SF1 for free, when i load the film the film does not advance, but i hear the motor turn, any ideas? i took a quick look for teardown instructions but nothing, i'm thinking a skipped gear or something, would be really neat to get this camera working.
This belongs in the collectors forum, but here's my film camera collection:

large format: Graflex speed-graphic 4x5

Medium format: Mamiya 645 pro, Yashica Mat 124g

35mm: Nikon F5, Nikon F4,Nikon FE Chrome, Nikon F3HP + motordrive, Nikon FA black + motordrive, Yashica rangefinder

Of all these cameras, the Nikon FE and gets the most use, although I've become fond of the mamiya since picking up a few extra film backs.
These are film cameras that I shoot with:

Canon AE1
Canon EOS 2A
Canon IIS (rangefinder)
Leica IIIa
Leica IIIf RD
Leica M3
Minox 35EL
Minox B (mini)
Hasselblad 500CM
Hasselblad 500ELM
Pentax PZ 20
Pentax PZ 10
Yashikamat (6x6)
Rolleiflex Automat
Linhof Technika III
Toyo 45CX

I have about 60 other cameras that I just hang on to, called a collection. Yes, I suffer from the GAS...

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