My First HDR


TPF Noob!
Dec 11, 2007
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Can others edit my Photos
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OK, this is my first HDR, using photomatix. I was driving home when I stopped by, so it wasn't exactly planned, but I figured I should go for it with the fog in the area. The building is one of the only, if not the only, left from Byberry State Hospital here in Philly. I rotated it about 1 degree counter clockwise to level it out a little bit. Comment away!


Below are the originals:



I love what you've done with it, the end result is so much better than the original shots. I'm hardly a pro and wouldnt know how to do it, but if you shot this in RAW format, I would play around and see if you could bring out the colours in the leaves on the right. Its really nice, but personally I think if the leaves were more vibrant it would give the hole image that edge.

just a thought :)

really like it though :)
I didn't really think of shooting it in RAW until afterwards. I messed around with the colors a little, and going much higher makes them REALLY orange, and unnatural looking. Thanks!
yeah I thought about that after posting it, cant see how you could effect the leaves and not the wall behind it when they're of similar colours. I mean, there must be a way but naturally my knowledge doesnt stretch that far just yet :(
The similar colors are going to be a problem. I'd try to make the processing a little more even though. Maybe fool with the settings in PM a bit more.

quick edit

Gives you a little more to work with in PS or whatever.
Well... my first thought:
How'd you do that? Now you got me jealous.:lol:

I like how you made the leaves on the tree darker, while not making the ones on the ground darker, as far as I can tell.
How'd you do that? Now you got me jealous.:lol:

I like how you made the leaves on the tree darker, while not making the ones on the ground darker, as far as I can tell.

Slight curves and a little saturation.

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