My first Macro - Cactus


TPF Noob!
Dec 7, 2008
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Phoenix, AZ
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Just got a new lens today so I had to check it out! Took this shot of one of the small cactus plants that is about the size of a golf ball, maybe a little bit bigger. Anyways, check it out and give me some feed back. Thanks!

Great colors and patterns
That isn't what I expeceted when I opened the thread. Very nice, the colors and composition are great.
Its good, I would have preferred the focus on the point where all the needles meet in the top right of the frame.
Very nice....:thumbup:

If that is a plant you have in the house, it would make a great subject for experimenting with lighting angles, focal points, DOF, ect. I'd like to see some more of this one.
Thanks for all of the compliments guys! makes me feel good! lol :)

This cactus plant is in a little planter bowl that I can move around, so yeah i agree that i should explore this subject a little more. I will keep you posted if i do that soon!

As far as the post processing on this, I cant remember for sure.. i'd guess around 20 to 30 minutes..

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