My first painting with light, C&C please


TPF Noob!
Mar 11, 2012
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United States
Can others edit my Photos
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Looks like a simple flashlight and a candlestick.......can you explain your shot ;)
That's exactly what it was :) ... I sat the camera on M with shutter of 10 seconds, f11 and ISO 100. Turned all lights off including the flashlight, when I pressed the shutter button I would turn on the flashlight and pointed it straight down (otherwise I could see the walls and everything else the light was hitting).

Just "paint" with the light, whatever the light hits is what will show up in the photo.
Pretty static, isn't it?
One thing that really bothers me is the landscape orientation. So much black dead space to the left.
What is this "painting with light"???? Isn't that bascially what any photo is, or is this just some new fangled terminology for taking pictures?
What is this "painting with light"???? Isn't that bascially what any photo is, or is this just some new fangled terminology for taking pictures?

"Painting with Light" is more commonly used when the light is in motion during the exposure but that is not the only case.
Low light, Long Exposure, Lighting only selected elements in the composition with low lever light, such as a flash light, etc.

Ah, I see. Like writing in the air with a sparkler, only you capture it with a long exposure, that makes sense.

As for the train video, I don't get it. Set up some lights take pictures as each light comes on and end with a single shot. Shoulda just turned them all on, got the shot and been done with it.

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