My First Photo Session


TPF Noob!
Feb 8, 2008
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give me your opinion please.

Here are photo's from my first time in my studio. O think its an ok pix other then the background being out of place. This was a test shoot no an actually job or client please tell me what you think.

Used A one Light set up, light about 4 feet away on the left side of her and a reflector on the right hand side. Iso 100 ss about 125 or so and i think the fstop was 5.6 i think..

give me your opinion please.

Here are photo's from my first time in my studio. O think its an ok pix other then the background being out of place. This was a test shoot no an actually job or client please tell me what you think.

Used A one Light set up, light about 4 feet away on the left side of her and a reflector on the right hand side. Iso 100 ss about 125 or so and i think the fstop was 5.6 i think..


Really good lighting with only a single light source!
I find the background a bit distracting with all the folds and wrinkled. I think the subject should be a bit further away from the background, and maybe the background should be blurred. There seem to be some hot spots on her forehead and her cheeks (maybe the light is too close?), the white on her sweatshirt seems blown. She is pretty well lighted to be sure.
Very well lit, maybe too well. She seems a little over exposed. Move her away from the background, move the light a little further back, use just a little longer focal length and a faster f-stop to create more depth of field would all be possible options

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