my first print!


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Sep 2, 2003
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This was printed from the first roll of film I developed (which did not receive full developing time due my mistake) but this negative didn't suffer as badly as some of the ones I've posted here. :blulsh2: Printed full bleed on Ilford 118 for about 43 seconds, could have used a little more dodging around the neck area.

I used a 3.5 magenta filter, and I think I didn't have the filter over quite all the way, due to the spots on the upper left and a little on the lower left.

Thoughts, critique?

Nice! I'm jealous, I wish my first print looked like that! Well done Terri! keep up the good work :D
Terri, nice print!!! Id have to agree with Zach, my first print didnt look anywhere near that good. Oh there she goes now, were never going to see Terri anymore cos shes going to turn into a darkroom vampire :lol:

Im really happy for ya :hug:
Thanks, guys! Did I mention I groped in the dark for about 10 minutes before realizing the enlarger had no lens attached? :blulsh2: I couldn't figure out why I wasn't seeing my apertures. It didn't occur to me anyone would remove a lens and then leave!

I can totally understand this addiction to the darkroom. It's everything you all have talked about: magical, invigorating - I could spend all day in there. I just want to get better!
HaHa Welcome to the "DARK" side! :lol:

wow that was bad, I'm sorry but someone had to say it! :D
Awesome terri :cheer: That is a great first print. Like you said though could use a bit of dodging in the neck. Maybe a slight amount of burning in on the right arm.
Soulreaver said:
Great print terri.You too are hooked now :wink:
I just love spending time in the darkroom.

Did u put a margin in the print?

Thank you.... I'm not sure what you mean by "putting a margin" in the print. If you mean, was there a natural margin left on the paper due to the size of my full bleed, the answer is Yes. Is this what you're asking? :)
terri said:
Soulreaver said:
Great print terri.You too are hooked now :wink:
I just love spending time in the darkroom.

Did u put a margin in the print?

Thank you.... I'm not sure what you mean by "putting a margin" in the print. If you mean, was there a natural margin left on the paper due to the size of my full bleed, the answer is Yes. Is this what you're asking? :)
Yep,exactly.the paper I use is 20x25, so there is always a bigger margin on one side than the others.Yours seem to be about equal.what size is that paper?Is it 2:3?
AND I still botch the first margin sometimes :oops:

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