My first water drops - C&C welcome.


TPF Noob!
Apr 21, 2011
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First time I've tried to shoot water drops. I took 68 shots and these 2 were "close enough" in focus to post here. I think they are amateurish but I'm still learning so....

1. This sucks. The colors are washed out and the sharpness is not there. I think the photo is not sharp because of the crop but maybe not? Please C&C.

[/URL] Drop-1 by jwbryson1, on Flickr[/IMG]

2. I like this one better.

[/URL] Drop 2-1 by jwbryson1, on Flickr[/IMG]
The photos look plenty sharp to me, even viewing full size on Flickr. But why did you choose YELLOW?? It looks like urine!
Lower your angle for the shoot.. that will allow some definition and detail on the splashes. Getting the focus right on the splash, and controlling the DOF takes a little practice (you Exif is gone.. so no idea how you shot these). How did you light it?
Lower your angle for the shoot.. that will allow some definition and detail on the splashes. Getting the focus right on the splash, and controlling the DOF takes a little practice (you Exif is gone.. so no idea how you shot these). How did you light it?

Tokina 100mm f/2.8 lens on a tripod, 1/250, 320 ISO, f/14 on some f/11 on others. Hand held YN 560 speedlight triggered with Cowboy radio slave.
Lower your angle for the shoot.. that will allow some definition and detail on the splashes. Getting the focus right on the splash, and controlling the DOF takes a little practice (you Exif is gone.. so no idea how you shot these). How did you light it?

Tokina 100mm f/2.8 lens on a tripod, 1/250, 320 ISO, f/14 on some f/11 on others. Hand held YN 560 speedlight triggered with Cowboy radio slave.

Settings look ok.. I usually use F8 to F11 for waterdrops (I shouldn't say usually ... only done it once! lol). I would definitely get a little lower.. low enough to where you can see the profiles of the splashes fairly well.. right now you are looking down at the splash too much to get good detail on them. Check out the angle here... Liquid Sculpture - Water Drop Art

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