my nephew C&C


TPF Noob!
Jan 31, 2011
Reaction score
Guatemala,Guatemala City
Can others edit my Photos
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just him sitting on his bike well you cant see it

same day he was just trying to give me something just caught it
sorry; i did not pass this way ;)

first image is very impressive

I can understand what kind of image you meant by the second image; but i am doubtful about the result

Please don't be disheartened by a poor response/view ratio.... sometimes it happens that way...

Regards :D
I find the background in your first image pretty busy. Although it kind of suits the image if we saw part of his bike. Without the bike, its just a head shot of a kid. With the bike, it would add more to the story you are trying to tell.
Tecnically, it seems the face is under exposed. I do like the rim light that the sun is causing, could use a bit of fill flash..just a tad as his eyes are very dark. Sharpness is good. He could look a little less...bored. :)

The second image, other than showing that you can control depth of field, really doesnt do much for me. Again, a busy background that doesnt fit the scene, very random thing going on, not sure what he is giving you.

Subject aside, the composition is good, I like how the fence kind of draws my eye to his face...I just dont like the car/truck in the back
Thanks guys believe or not those are from the first photos I took with that camera. @Frequency yea I know what u mean now. And thanks for the c&c

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