My own HDR 1st attempt


TPF Noob!
Jul 3, 2007
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Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Can others edit my Photos
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Here is my own 1st attempt at an HDR image. It was made from 5 seperate raw files (-2 stops to +2 stops) using photomatix software. It is of the ship that I work on. C & C always welcome.

Impressive. I really outa try this out.
wow looks great! how do you actually do a HDR pic? coz they always seem to look so good..
For a first time HDR shot, this is probably one of the best first try shots I've seen...really nice job here. You must be the type that can research something and then do it pretty well the first time.
Only thing i dont like about it are the blotches of light spots on it.
Only thing i dont like about it are the blotches of light spots on it.

I agree, that's the biggest problem I see with most beginner HDR's.

The shot is very good though other than that.
Thanks for the comments.

nicfargo: You're right, I do normally do alot of research before I attempt anything.

RKW3 & Parkerman: Yeah I was very diassapointed I missed that as well. I think I will try get rid of that in the RAW converter and try the HDR again. Next time though I will make sure I get the exposures right at the time!!

Tried to make it as sublte as possible didn't want to got too heavy and make it look unreal. Also whish the clouds had a bit more character as well.
Here is my second attempt. I have fixed the blown highlights on the fron tof the ships accommodation. Let me know waht you think.

Great looking photo! Just out of curiosity, what kind of vessel is that?

Your edit is spot on! I wish my PS Elements 6 was capable of doing HDR!
Nice work. The second might be just a little brash, but still most cool.

Don't know nothing about ships, but it looks like you got enough extra parts for a whole another one.

Take care, show us more.

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