My Pup


TPF Noob!
Jul 3, 2009
Reaction score
Oakton, VA
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
So I snapped this pic of my pup yesterday and personally really like it. I just wish I would have paid more attention to his grooming because he has that awful gunk under his eye and that is all I focus on. Its small, but the more I look at it the bigger it gets! ;) Could I trouble those of you with some editing skills to "remove" it?

Edit: I just realized I probably should have posted this under the "Just for Fun" section. Sorry! Im new here ;)

Honestly even after you mention it I really can't see that littel bit of gunk as a distracting feature - its there, but its really not standing out against the rest of the dog at all. It a good pose and composition and I like that you have conroled the highlights well - a little dark though in the shadows. You can probably boost the lighting there a tiny bit without much trouble.
Overall a good shot :)
No prob, here you go.

I removed the eye booger, and slightly reduced the darkness of the shadows.

I'll leave it on my site for about a week then I'll delete it.


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