My try at street photography

Meave Photography

TPF Noob!
Aug 16, 2024
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After a five-year hiatus from photography, I decided to try a new genre, street photography. Here are a few of my favorite shots from the past couple of months. Would love some constructive criticism.​


Visually interesting set. As the stove post, good direction to continue in. For more detailed answers/critique try posting one in the C&C Gallery, but please read and follow the guidelines at the top of the thread.
Howdy and welcome! Nice set of images! I like the shot taken through the chain link fencing, just the right amount of blur on the fence.

After a five-year hiatus from photography, I decided to try a new genre, street photography. Here are a few of my favorite shots from the past couple of months. Would love some constructive criticism.​


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The Red Shoe Red Dress mashup rocks !

Other shots have In You Face examples of leading lines and S-curves. Steer clear of that nonsense :-(
The last two stand out to me for the framing. Number the photos next time for better c&c

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