My website

Didn't load for me in less than 30 seconds so I gave up.
It loaded for me just fine. I really liked the lay out, it was easy to navigate and complimented your photos well. Great job. I Think the music got a little annoying after a minute or two, maybe not have it as loud.
Flash and music.... ugh.

I like the look and the layout, but anyone who is browsing for photographers from work is gonna leave your site and never come back.

And your site can't be viewed on the wife's iPad (which I have today - hehe) which is where she does 99% of her web surfing at home.
can't enter website ... no flash

sent from my iPad
Personal preference: I' prefer no the background music.
I don't like the music. It's not vague enough for everyone to enjoy.... or ignore.
Oh! She's back!

We are important after all!
Flash and music.... ugh.

I like the look and the layout, but anyone who is browsing for photographers from work is gonna leave your site and never come back.

And your site can't be viewed on the wife's iPad (which I have today - hehe) which is where she does 99% of her web surfing at home.

Personal preference: I' prefer no the background music.

I don't like the music. It's not vague enough for everyone to enjoy.... or ignore.

+4 on the music. As soon as I hear music on a website, I look for a mute button. If there isn't one, I leave. Just my opinion. I don't want to be forced to listen to the music that someone else likes just to view their website.
Also, where you have galleries with no photos, you should put a "Coming soon!" or something and not just leave it blank. SOmeone might think your site is broken and leave...
Also, where you have galleries with no photos, you should put a "Coming soon!" or something and not just leave it blank. SOmeone might think your site is broken and leave...

Hot cousin coming soon would work, seemed to last time.:lol:
I love the simple design, but please, not in flash. It really takes a lot of patience to view more than just a few photos on flash sites. I'd avoid that.
Thank you...I added the flash this morning because some say they couldn't open it but I have now removed it. Hard to please everyone! Thanks for the feedback...I'll work on the music options.
First impressions:

1. I load the site and see an out of focus photo of a young girl picking her nose. It's not a good first impression photo, and part of her face is black.

2. Music is killing me, doesn't work with the photos.

3. You may want to include some better shots if this is your portfolio site. A lot of them were out of focus, had exposure issues, or were overly processed.

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