Need some advice about backdrop?


TPF Noob!
Nov 26, 2006
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cheshire uk
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I have my first pet portrait session coming up in 2 weeks. It will be shot at the owners home.

She has asked for Head shots, Full body shots, puppy shots and family (dogs) shots on a white background.

How am i best going about a backdrop??? I have a 5 foot light tent available to me which is plenty big enough to put the dogs in. on the other hand am i better off buying some fabric and a support?? I need something thats quick and easy to set up.

Any hints??

Thanks in advance :)
They'll probably go loopy in the tent causing you more problems than you already have taking on this shoot, go for a backdrop, vinyl will be more suited as dogs tend to s**t when nervous. good luck, H
Bed Sheets can be expensive. Check your local fabric/sewing store for muslin. You can buy bleached muslin for very little and you can buy it in sizes that will work for people as well.
does that work well then Mike???
They are not ideal but the do work and they are easy to pack/store. I only buy cheap ones.

A fabric store might be a good idea...although, I've had a hard time finding any fabric that is wide enough. I work at an industrial fabric company and we don't even have any fabric that is wider than 60"...except for 144" poly fabric, which wouldn't really work. You could join pieces together but that would leave a seam...which might be OK but maybe not.

I guess it depends if you can find wide material for sale...I've just had a hard time finding it around here.

You might even look in a hardware store for 'drop cloth' fabric.
I use sheets and fabric from walmart, works great. I agree with the drop cloth/painters tarp..they are white and probably not horibly expensive.
Cheers guys - i go and take a look around. We have a large fabric/hobbiest shop local to us, so ill go over and see what they've got!
I just bought 108" Muslin at Joanne Fabrics was about $4 a yard so I got a piece 9'X45'. $60 cut your own sizes and you get a few back drops. Dying them now thats fun....not.
I just bought 108" Muslin at Joanne Fabrics was about $4 a yard so I got a piece 9'X45'. $60 cut your own sizes and you get a few back drops. Dying them now thats fun....not.

I've never tried it. I've heard that some of the better ones are "hand painted". What does that mean?

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