need some CC on hdrs


TPF Noob!
Nov 5, 2008
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heres a few new attempts with HDR. they were all taken from 3 bracketed shots then processed in photomatix..tonemapped. then some tweaking in lightroom.


link to larger version : Flickr Photo Download: enter the catherdral complete


link to larger version: Flickr Photo Download: cold catherdral
those look great. Looks like your a pro with photomatix! I use it, but what does the tone mapping do? I can never tell a difference when I mess with that setting.

Great pictures though. Those buildings look fantastic, I'm a sucker for HDR though.
The first one looks pretty good. It's a bit crooked as indicated by the lower stair in your photo and the off-balance composition is a bit weird. The second looks nice as well, but I kind of like the warm tones of the first. Nice work!
those look great. Looks like your a pro with photomatix! I use it, but what does the tone mapping do? I can never tell a difference when I mess with that setting.

Great pictures though. Those buildings look fantastic, I'm a sucker for HDR though.
all the effect comes together when you do the tonemapping..
its really obvious..especially when you click the 'light smoothing' settings. maybe your photomatix is screwy?? try again and see what happens when you click light smoothing settings

The first one looks pretty good. It's a bit crooked as indicated by the lower stair in your photo and the off-balance composition is a bit weird
agree totally. i should have gotten out of the car and centered myself.

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