NEF/RAW help


TPF Noob!
Mar 24, 2004
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Leicester, UK
I just opened a photo I shot in NEF and basic jpeg and the NEF file is over exposed compared to the jpeg. It's a like a wedding a photo but not a wedding - dark suits and light dresses. I've tried adjusting the settings you can use with NEFs in CS2 but it doesn't really work as the over exposed parts are white.

Anyone got any ideas? There's probably a function on CS2 I've missed... It's really disappointing because i checked the exposure on the screen of the camera (D70s) which I assume shows the jpeg and it was perfect. ggrrr
If the jpeg was exposed ok there'd be no reason why you can't get a good exposure with the RAW file. The jpeg is assigned the general exposure, white balence etc, from the camera itself, where as the RAW contains all the info you need to customise the exposure, wb, etc. Do you have the latest NEF plugin for cs2?.... in other words, do you have a small box appear for exposure when you open the raw, or do you have a full window with all the options for exposure, sharpening etc?
Assuming you're using the Camera Raw CS2 plugin, it might be that CS2 is adjusting your exposure settings incorrectly when you open it up - try moving the "exposure" slider (on the right of the screen) to the left. If the JPEG is correct, then there's no reason why the RAW shouldn't be able to be adjusted to match it pretty much exactly.
OK I think i've managed to sort it but have lost a bit of quality due to all the adjusting unfortunately. Should looking good on print though. I think I have the latest plug-in. "Nikon NEF plugin.8Bi"
Try opening the raw file in CS2 raw converter, and then holding the ALT key while sliding the Exposure and Shadow switches. It will go black, and only show you where the bright or dark areas are. You can move them back and forth until you are comfortable that you're not blowing out the parts you want. Then you can apply the overall Brightness level you desire. Finally dial in (or out) the contrast you want, and then adjust the saturation.

There's a good reason those switches are in that order :wink:
ajmall said:
OK I think i've managed to sort it but have lost a bit of quality due to all the adjusting unfortunately. Should looking good on print though. I think I have the latest plug-in. "Nikon NEF plugin.8Bi"

Not sure what version that is.... the latest is about 3.2 i think... another thing you can do with the NEF RAW converter is to check the highlights box at the top of the window..... this will then colour all the highlights that are blown with (pink or green, cant recall)... then you can adjust the exposure and brightness untill the colour has dissapered, then you know all the detail is showing in those areas. BTW.... whenever i import a RAW file i uncheck all the 'automatic' sliders that it put there by defult.... i often find these auto settings to be too much for the picture..... so uncheck all the boxes and do it manually. :thumbup:

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